Biden Said the Number One Killer in America Among Children is FIREARMS (shall I whisper, creepily, how he is wrong?) – IOTW Report

Biden Said the Number One Killer in America Among Children is FIREARMS (shall I whisper, creepily, how he is wrong?)

We oughta stop sending children into war. And it seems nearly every employer in America is violating the Child Protection Act. And every porn site is guilty of child porn. And when did we allow children to vote in this country?


Well, the CDC, desperately trying to create a narrative that fits their political agenda, defines “children” as persons 1-19 years of age.

That is shitty of them, and I do not respect that bullshit.

No one wants children to die, but no one calls a 19-year-old a child. They simply folded in gang-banger statistics and trotted Biden out there to try and outrage people through deception.

20 Comments on Biden Said the Number One Killer in America Among Children is FIREARMS (shall I whisper, creepily, how he is wrong?)

  1. He also says gun crimes dropped during the assault weapons ban. He’s a fucking liar and wants us helpless because he and his have bad things planned for us and they don’t relish the idea of getting shot at. Fuck you old man.

  2. FWIW, dead and dying kids I personally saw (setting aside congenital defects) tended to be more the result of accidental trauma; falls, auto accidents, fires, blunt trauma, penetrating objects, and abusers that miscalculated how fragile children can be, with the occasional accidental poisoning thrown in for variety.

    Gunshots, not so much.

    Not saying it doesn’t happen.

    Just saying it is NOT how most children die.

    Whatever Pedo is told to say.

  3. this douche nozzle lies so much that just about every utterance is nothing more than verbal diarrhea thrown in our faces

    include me in the long, long list of people that just want to kick this worthless PoS pervert in his ‘nads until the sun burns out

  4. Tell a big enough lie long enough, it becomes truth.
    It does nothing to take guns away from criminals.
    It only disarms those they fear.
    They will also throw in some Dumb Ass subtext or amendment at the last minute.

  5. He says:

    “Repeal the liability shield for gun manufacturers – they’re the only industry in this country that has that kind of immunity”
    Ok, what about Pfizer? The same can be applied to a hundred other products/scenarios.

    “Why does anyone need a 30 round magazine?”
    Because you cannot guarantee me that I will never need that many rounds; why should I be forced to reload in the event of multiple attackers intent on assaulting me? Why does LE now carry “assault rifles” with 30 round mags but I must be placed at a disadvantage in the face of a threat?

    “Safe storage – trigger locks – or you are held liable if someone gets ahold of your gun…”
    How about we hold liable the Judges who give lenient sentences, the DAs who don’t prosecute, the parole boards who let violent offenders back into society, only to kill and maim again, multiple times? Hold accountable the officers who do have the “assault weapons” with 30 round mags but stand around for over an hour while kids are being shot inside the schools?

    “Red Flag Laws”
    Like the multiple cases where we learn the authorities WERE notified of a crazy person/potential threat and who was “on the FBI’s radar” and they did nothing?? Sure, Joe.

    These are the very people who support abortion of children up until the moment of birth. Some of their base/supporters have even voiced approval for post-birth abortion, letting a baby die on the table, etc. We have more fundamental issues to deal with in this country, dealing with morality and real Justice. The Prog/Left is not serious about fighting evil, they’re concerned about fighting the weather, and pronouns, and the queering of children. This is all a big push to get Republicans to oppose their measures – under the guise of saving children – so they can have soundbites for their campaign ads.

  6. grobama has his hand up grobiden’s a** working his lips, has to remove it when sniffer joe needs to s**t. ny demonrat mondaire jones, newest candidate for SNNOTD.

  7. Probably true among ghetto-rats.
    (other than abortion – which is the No. 1 killer of all children)

    Only a fool goes to a known liar for facts.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. From the time firearms were invented…
    There has been a persistent problem,
    The correct setting for the nut that pulls the trigger has never been found.

  9. Please keeping giving & buying guns for your children, your doing a bang-up job! America’s #1 killer of children, guns. Give yourself a pat on the back.


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