Biden Says Calling a Head of State a Liar “Doesn’t Matter” – IOTW Report

Biden Says Calling a Head of State a Liar “Doesn’t Matter”


U.S. President Joe Biden on Saturday differed with Saudi Arabia in their account of discussions at a bilateral summit about the 2018 murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a major point of contention between the two countries.

U.S. intelligence agencies believe Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing in 2018 of Khashoggi, a Saudi-U.S. citizen, which the de facto Saudi ruler denies.

Answering reporters as he arrived at the White House from his first Middle East trip as president, Biden disputed the Saudi foreign minister’s account that he did not hear Biden blame Mohammed bin Salman for the killing of the Washington Post columnist, a harsh critic of his native Saudi Arabia.

Asked whether the minister of state for foreign affairs, Adel al-Jubeir, was telling the truth in recounting the exchange between Biden and the crown prince, the president said “No”.

He also got really angry and confronted the reporters when he was asked about the fist bump:


12 Comments on Biden Says Calling a Head of State a Liar “Doesn’t Matter”

  1. Joe Biden tourists Israel. Before Saudi Arabia. (Interesting name.)

    Israel killing journalists, most recently.

    But Saudi ridding the world of journalists, is the only issue.

    Thing that makes you go… Jebus!

  2. That headline should read: Inveterate liar and demented imbecile calls Saudi prince a liar, then says it doesn’t matter!

    The old fraud just wanted to take a long ride on the big airplane full of ice cream rather than negotiate a serious deal for oil! Just one more thing he’s fucked up in a looong-ass list of fuck ups and proof that doing something for the American people is the LAST thing this rotten SOB wants to do!

  3. At this Point, it wouldn’t surprise me if he popped out of a man’s chest, put on a straw hat and started singing “Hello my baby, hello my honey, Hello my ragtime gal”

  4. The WH has already edited the transcript:.

    Actual video comment: “He basically said he was not personally responsible for it. I indicated that I thought he was.”

    Edited WH transcript: “He basically said he was not personally responsible for it. I indicated that he *probably* was.”

    Let me repeat the line, only differently this time. And clap for that, you stupid bastards.

  5. John 8:44

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

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