Biden says he hasn’t held back domestic oil production – IOTW Report

Biden says he hasn’t held back domestic oil production

There have been calls by our media to do something about Putin. What are we to do about Biden?

21 Comments on Biden says he hasn’t held back domestic oil production

  1. Ya know, I kind of believe Dementia Joe. He’s just reading these lies off a teleprompter. He’s actually totally clueless. Clueless Joe Obiden Bama, our country’s first installed, certifiable First Patient in Chief.

  2. Says the guy that signed EOs to end the KS pipeline within an hour of inauguration.
    This is Obama 2.0. He opined and tried to go for 8 dollar gas during his term. Now they have their sock puppet everyone hates to take the blame while they don’t take chances and ram through the agenda.

  3. Keep in mind that besides being a career race supremacist, Biden is also a known and chronic liar. He’s also responsible for the supply chain stall which remains stalled.

  4. Imbecilic dipshit Pedo doesn’t remember what he had for breakfast and is completely clueless about what he signing,so it’s possible the senile shit for brains actually believes he hasn’t done anything to limit oil supplies.

    This stupid fucknut is going to get somebody nuked, just hope it’s not us.

    Hopefully he will bust another blood vessel and die before we do.

  5. Regular unleaded in my part of southern Indiana this morning was $4.25/gallon. Diesel has gone up to $4.99. Yes, Joe, this is all your fault. You can point the finger at all of your straw men, but, ultimately, it boils down to you & the elder abusers who pull your strings behind the facade of how popular, smart & wonderful you think you are.We will not forget this, as much as you hope that we do.

  6. From behind his child-luring trench-coat, Racist-Groper Biden has indeed tampered with and engineered those prices just as he’s doing with the supply chain stall to further disable the nation.

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