Biden says he watched Bull Connor sic dogs on black people when he was in grade school – IOTW Report

Biden says he watched Bull Connor sic dogs on black people when he was in grade school


During a fundraiser on Tuesday with Barack Obama, Joe Biden claimed he watched Bull Connor sic the dogs on demonstrators in Birmingham, Alabama when he was in grade school. Okay, that took place in April and May of 1963 when Biden was twenty years old. What happened Joe? Did you flunk about 8 grades in order to be such an old grade schooler. Also since Biden’s family moved to Delaware in 1953, he could not have seen Bull Connor in action in Scranton, Pennsylvania as he claimed.

Therefore, Joe’s story about watching Bull sounds like… BULL.


ht/ PHenry

27 Comments on Biden says he watched Bull Connor sic dogs on black people when he was in grade school

  1. Some democrats have selective memories; others have memories they couldn’t possibly have!
    Yet they want to control all aspects of our lives.
    That’s some sick shit right there.

  2. “What happened Joe? Did you flunk about 8 grades in order to be such an old grade schooler”

    …Probably did, on PURPOSE, so he could stay in hair-sniffing distance of little girls as he went through puberty and they did not…

    …evil has deep roots. Joe’s been a pedo since his tiny testicles dropped, and like all Democrats he can only relate to what he can dominate…

  3. Later that year, November I think, I found myself in Dallas and was looking for a new coloring book and somebody suggested the book suppository. Repository. Sorry.

    I found myself on an upper floor where I witnessed a man with a rifle lining up his sights. I charged him at full speed trying to interrupt his mission but I was a split second late.

    But hey man. I tried.

    Then I graduated from law school.


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