Biden Says He Will Be Shutting Coal-Fired Energy Plants Down Across America – IOTW Report

Biden Says He Will Be Shutting Coal-Fired Energy Plants Down Across America

28 Comments on Biden Says He Will Be Shutting Coal-Fired Energy Plants Down Across America

  1. I HATE every swinging dick in this administration! Everything they do is anti-American! I hope I live long enough to see these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS hang from the gallows!!

  2. China is building about 60% of the world’s NEW coal plants right now.

    China is the largest user of energy in the world. Also the #1 user of electricity. Why do these climate alarmists believe that the onus is on the USA & the EU to switch to “sustainable” energy sources when Red China OBVIOUSLY isn’t?

    Walk through a W/M like I did the other day. EVERYTHING in that store aside from the produce is Chinese. Electronics, kitchen appliances, towels, toys, garden tools, hand tools, power tools… it’s akin to an open air market for Red China exports. And that money is going right back to China. They’re putting CHEAP energy to good use.

    And using that money to arm themselves to the teeth.

    We have 100s of years of cheap fossil under our feet and WTF are we doing? Buying literally trillions of dollars of bullshit from our #1 enemy. Good grief.

    On top of it, they’re supplying fentynal to Mexican cartels who are selling it here and killing 10s of 1,000s of Americans every year.

    If I was in my 20s and I didn’t take shit off anyone, I’d be dead, surrounded by brass and bodies.

  3. Ah, give Joe a break. They told him he got to California on that new wind powered Air Force 1….same 5 speed transmission lines and a boss 351 WIND-SOR that his Dad invented on his way to Iraq to bury Beau who was killed while discussing the proper rate of inflation for Air Force 1’s tires at the kitchen table…

  4. In other words be preparing for another plea for amnesty out of these worthless cocksuckers after they murder God knows how many more people by cutting off access to power.

  5. The dumbass is so corrupted and compromised that he has come to believe everything he is told to say even though he doesn’t have a fucking clue what it is he is saying.

  6. As c’mon man he just wants to ship the coal to Chiner and use PINWHEELS (saw some at the ice cream parlour) to generate electric power.

    Also those spinners on hats.

  7. MMinWA:
    “China is building about 60% of the world’s NEW coal plants right now.”

    China (the CCP actually) also OWNS about 60% of the politicians in the U.S. That’s why it seems so hard to fight against what the CCP is doing.

  8. Progressivism exists as a vehicle through which to implement Satan’s agenda of increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. It is always cloaked in some nebulous claim of being altruistic or necessary to avert some imaginary crisis.

    This came to me when I was pondering the motivation of people hell bent on shutting down a copper mine in Montana whose hand wringing and navel gazing was all too obviously window dressing that accompanied the phony baloney wailing, rending of garments and gnashing of teeth.

    What these privileged, self important, pieces of shit was ultimately upset about was that people of limited means could walk out of K-mart with a $10 toaster.

    The playbook has never varied in all the years I have been listening to, deconstructing and critically examining their rhetoric. Nor has their motivation. They want to curry favor with their dark prince and that is always without exception the bottom line.

    I have asked time and again for a single example wherein their prescription for progress has been implemented and not eventually resulted in increased innocent human suffering, misery and death and if it exists they sure are tight lipped about it.

  9. Tony R – Maybe. Take it one step further: This is a Chinese agenda! They’re going after our energy sources and strangling us slowly. They’re already taking our oil and they have their eyes on our coal. They’re looking to buy it for penies on the dollar once we can’t use it!

  10. Be prepared for a marathon session of tyrannical legislating after the midterms assuming the Dems lose the Congress. They will push every lame scheme on their bucket list while screaming about losing “Our Democracy”.

    Unless the new GOP Congress has large majorities, it will be impossible to undo the damage.

  11. What part of the Constitution authorizes him to do that?

    Where the Constitution is silent the idea is NOT allowed (see: American Civil War or The War Between the States – that was Lincoln’s excuse for slaughtering well-over half a million Americans).

    To stand idle in the face of tyranny is criminal cowardice (yes, I’m guilty).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. @ Tony R NOVEMBER 5, 2022 AT 12:17 AM & TRF NOVEMBER 5, 2022 AT 12:30 AM

    Wrong, it’s Satan’s agenda, although those who have thrown in are the face of the effort to focus on them is a distraction. They are undoubtedly wicked and evil incarnate, where the problem lies though is that decent people have tolerated their wickedness and bought into the stupid notion that to recognize them for what they are is somehow to take intolerance of their actions and elevate them to the status of mortal sin. The very notion is ludicrous on it’s face, but people fall for it because they value fitting in with the zeitgeist above all else.

    Satan is not stupid, Satan is wicked and evil and Satan knows that inculcating a sense that emotion driven response that parodies Christian virtue is alluring because it takes little effort and comes with the promise that any failures can be excused by cloaking the motivation in good intentions. Somehow, a critical mass of the population that does not believe the promises Satan’s followers have sold their souls for are all to ready to concede good intentions to. Progressivism is Satanism and is motivated by malicious intentions, it is sad it took them getting to the point that they are basically shoving it in everyone’s face for so many people to finally recognize what has been evident to anyone who was paying attention and willing to consider the history of what happened to innocent populations each and every time the progressive movement has achieved critical mass, gained power and been in position to implement it’s (Satan’s) agenda.

    Progressivism is Satanism pure and simple as that and they absolutely and unequivocally are no longer hiding it. Anyone who “goes along to get along,” irrespective of their motive for doing so is at the very least complicit in advancing and implementing Satan’s agenda.

    It’s long past being the time to choose sides, that time was prior to allowing what we see today. Where we are today is that it’s time to recognize the ones who have thrown in with Satan and deal with them accordingly. The first thing that needs to happen is that good and decent people must stop conceding good intentions to individuals whose motivation is anything but. Progressivism = Marxism = Socialism = Materialism = Satanism. It is thoroughly and completely wicked and evil and any attempt to assign Christian virtue to it is counterfeit. It is actively hostile to The Good.

  13. @ Tony R NOVEMBER 5, 2022 AT 12:17 AM & TRF NOVEMBER 5, 2022 AT 12:30 AM

    Wrong, it’s Satan’s agenda, although those who have thrown in are the face of the effort to focus on them is a distraction. They are undoubtedly wicked and evil incarnate, where the problem lies though is that decent people have tolerated their wickedness and bought into the stupid notion that to recognize them for what they are is somehow to take intolerance of their actions and elevate them to the status of mortal sin. The very notion is ludicrous on it’s face, but people fall for it because they value fitting in with the zeitgeist above all else.

    Satan is not stupid, Satan is wicked and evil and Satan knows that inculcating a sense that emotion driven response that parodies Christian virtue is alluring because it takes little effort and comes with the promise that any failures can be excused by cloaking the motivation in good intentions. Somehow, a critical mass of the population that does not believe the promises Satan’s followers have sold their souls for are all to ready to concede good intentions to. Progressivism is Satanism and is motivated by malicious intentions, it is sad it took them getting to the point that they are basically shoving it in everyone’s face for so many people to finally recognize what has been evident to anyone who was paying attention and willing to consider the history of what happened to innocent populations each and every time the progressive movement has achieved critical mass, gained power and been in position to implement it’s (Satan’s) agenda.

    Progressivism is Satanism pure and simple as that and they absolutely and unequivocally are no longer hiding it. Anyone who “goes along to get along,” irrespective of their motive for doing so is at the very least complicit in advancing and implementing Satan’s agenda.

    It’s long past being the time to choose sides, that time was prior to allowing what we see today. Where we are today is that it’s time to recognize the ones who have thrown in with Satan and deal with them accordingly. The first thing that needs to happen is that good and decent people must stop conceding good intentions to individuals whose motivation is anything but. Progressivism = Marxism = Socialism = Materialism = Satanism. It is thoroughly and completely wicked and evil and any attempt to assign Christian virtue to it is counterfeit. It is actively utterly and completely hostile to The Good.

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  15. China will invade Taiwan, Joey will respond, China embargo on all goods going to us, we invade China, with nukes if needed. Joey claims to win a war so he gets re-elected. We get nothing and we’re happy.
    Now, just who is the fascist, Communist dictator?

  16. Traitor. The hell with America, huh? Biden prefers to pander to a few parasites. Screw everyone else. Biden knows he can get away with it because the media will blame it on President Trump. Most leftists have TDS so they’ll agree. Blame Trump. FJB.

  17. The three most dangerous things in the world:
    A guy from New York City with a lawyer.
    A guy from San Fransisco with a chipped tooth.
    A complete Jackass from Delaware with an idea!


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