Biden Says He’s a Black Woman – IOTW Report

Biden Says He’s a Black Woman

22 Comments on Biden Says He’s a Black Woman

  1. Dementia Joe’s brain is Swiss cheese. Seriously, he’s losing the ability to communicate his thoughts through speech. Classic Alzheimers symptom.

  2. guys, guys, whoa, whoa, slow down to Joe’s pace.

    Gaffs, stumbles, mumbles, mis-speaking, losing train of thought, dementia, etc. are not a problem at all. It’s what is being coined in the media as “style.”

    Like Beethoven, Wagner, and Martin Scorsese

    New York Times said so, and the whole mediasphere shall sing the same tune.

  3. The devil is having quite a rollicking time in the vessel of Joseph Robinette Biden. Not saying that all who suffer from Alzheimers is possessed, but the evil one has been in charge of Biden for quite a while, and he must be getting quite a charge out of putting anything out there that he wants with zero cognition standing in his way.

  4. What was solid ground has become quicksand,cJoe can’t take a step without slipping.

    Recall that Reagan -long after his Presidency – had the grace to announce his dementia and retire from public life.

  5. I still think he has this:

    “Physical symptoms of neurosyphilis may include:

    Neck stiffness
    Nausea or vomiting
    Sensitivity to bright lights
    Visual changes
    Dizziness or vertigo
    Numbness, burning, or pins-and-needles sensations
    Tremors and muscle spasms
    Loss of coordination
    Sudden, stabbing nerve pain
    Partial paralysis or weakness
    Loss of bladder control
    Psychiatric symptoms of neurosyphilis may include:
    Emotional lability (difficulty controlling emotions)
    Memory problems and forgetfulness
    Confusion and delirium

    It fits his symptoms, his personality and his character, and also the desire of a pedophile like him to inflict lasting and permanant physical and psychological harm on his child victims…

  6. Jackasss Joe is the Exploding Cigar in the mouth of the democRAT National Socialist Party… leaving two beady little White eyes staring wildly out of a blackened face!

  7. they say he’s ‘sharp as a tack,’ from 10AM to 4PM.
    The rest of the time he is drooling and somnambulant.
    he’s the 25th precident
    now we know why we have the 25th amendment- it needs to be used

  8. I have to disagree with the headline. The gaffe is certainly evidence he’s demented. If you consider the quote from the aspect of a demented person who is dropping words and communicating poorly, he’s actually saying something along the lines of “I’m proud to be part of the ticket that elected the first black woman vice president”. I hater it when the left twists a quote from a conservative to make it sound bad, let’s not do the same.


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