Biden Says He’s ‘Hiding’ And ‘It’s Working Pretty Well’ – IOTW Report

Biden Says He’s ‘Hiding’ And ‘It’s Working Pretty Well’

Sara A Carter: In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash Tuesday, former Vice President and expected 2020 Democratic nominee for president Joe Biden said he’s ‘hiding’ and that “it’s working pretty well.”

“This is a fella who looks like he’s having trouble controlling his own emotions,” Biden explained in response to President Donald Trump’s assertions that he’s “too old to be president” and is “missing a step.”

Biden added, “What worries me is you know all this stuff about Biden’s hiding. Well, you know, the fact of the matter is, it’s working pretty well so far doing the rules. He’s behind in almost every state. Doesn’t mean it’s going to be that way come November but the idea that he seems to get more erratic, the more he feels like he’s behind the curve.”

Biden earlier denied the notion that he’s hiding in his Deleware home. more

18 Comments on Biden Says He’s ‘Hiding’ And ‘It’s Working Pretty Well’

  1. Biden is past the age of competency, and I’m referring to physical and mental conditions, not to just his age in years.

    Some of us make it longer than others before deteriorating mentally, but almost all of us that don’t die first eventually reach that point.

    It’s a shame that those around him are allowing him to be used the way he is being used.

  2. Biden says about President Trump:
    “…the more he feels like he’s behind the curve.”
    If that’s what he believes, what’s he gonna say when Trump rounds the curve and flattens him as he steam-roles by?

  3. As I’ve said before….All You gotta do to mess up Joe at the Debates

    is stick a couple Girls dressed like Girl Scouts or Japanese School

    Girls up in the front row…and ole Joe will be locked into the

    “Hands on Mode”….

  4. The Democrats, both political and media, believe they can get a dementia-riddled figurehead elected by hiding him from the public.
    The sad truth is, he will garner maybe 60+ million votes, and will win a bunch of electoral votes, even though he is completely incapable of functioning in office.

  5. It’s amazing how many things Joe Biden is good at. Hanging out, wearing masks, speaking without a teleprompter, raising large sums of money, enjoying the company and physical contact with women and female children, denying he ever did anything wrong, etc. It’s a long list and perfect for the Democrat Party! Go Joe!

  6. I’ve heard the rumor that Sleepy Joe’s only companion in that dank cellar is a cockroach. Joe gave his friend a name: Precious.

    Joe identifies so much with the cockroach that when Joe’s wife brings down his evening cup of cocoa and turns on the light, Joe races the cockroach to the corner. Joe never wins.


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