Biden Says It’s Democrats Dying From Corona – IOTW Report

Biden Says It’s Democrats Dying From Corona

24 Comments on Biden Says It’s Democrats Dying From Corona

  1. Stupid? Check
    Corrupt traitor? Check.
    Child molester? Check.
    Shill for the worst traitor in US history? Check.
    Thief? Check.
    Addled? Check.

    This man is the perfect democrat.

  2. I do not wish wuflu (or any other) death on people. But perhaps if democrats are in fact listening, they might jump ship in order to save themselves….. I can dream can’t I?

  3. He is actually and factually correct on this. All one has to do is overlay a map of the election win county map of 2016 and a current US whuflu rate map? ‘Stunning’ as they say.

    Yet another analysis to do while I am ‘cou’ped up at home ‘doing nothing’. :>)


  4. @ Richard Cranium MAY 13, 2020 AT 9:24 PM

    In this Democrat run State the suicide prevention lines are experiencing record numbers of calls. Democrats actually experiencing what they would prescribe for others is driving them to look to suicide as a better option.

  5. Democrats kill potential democrats every day at alarming numbers even during a pandemic via abortion. He can thank Cuomo for sticking sick Covid patients into nursing homes and killing many elderly. How about Chicago Joe?! Daily dem black voters murder other potential black voters. Look at the death rates in TX, GA and FL. FL has a huge elderly population, still alive. Go back to coloring Joe. In the lines this time.


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