Biden says ‘Margaret Thatcher’ called him with concerns about Trump – IOTW Report

Biden says ‘Margaret Thatcher’ called him with concerns about Trump

Stable Genius

24 Comments on Biden says ‘Margaret Thatcher’ called him with concerns about Trump

  1. She actually told him to knock it off with the plagiarism of Neil Kinnock. But she’s conveniently dead now, so Joe is free to fondle her in his memories. Effing shit-heel, Joe is.

  2. Ronald Reagan called me too. He said, “Joe, if that scoundrel Trump ever tries to build a wall, you tell him to tear it down!” Swearsies.

  3. Sounds about right Teresa May a Prime Minister about as popular as a VD calls a crazy, dirtbag plagiariser and child abuser to complain about a true political and governmental leader! Losers are always attracted to each other in the midst of their misery!

  4. Jolted Joey Biden the gropy gaff machine is a gift from past that never ceases to amaze us with his name dropping. After all, Biden confused himself with Neil Kinnock years ago. Now, he’s confusing Margaret Thatcher with that other woman. One of them is still alive. Both of them called our Joey to encourage him to save America from someone. It won’t be long now, and Biden will be getting a call from the voters to stop embarrassing them.

  5. I’m sure that Felonia will lease Joey the Scooby van and throw in Dr. Feelgood to juice him up between campaign stops for a sizable donation to the Clintoon Family Foundation and Fried Chicken Shop. After all, it’s not about anything but the Benjamins and what your kids can parlay after you go room temp.

  6. I hardly think the lady who once said “The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people’s money” would be contacting a democrat.
    Did she call you around Halloween of ’13, Joey?

  7. I visited Joe last night in his bedroom, but when I parted his bed curtains, he was doing a reverse cowgirl with the Ghost of Christmas Past. He was yelling, “Call me Trigger!”


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