Biden Tells Non-US Citizen He ‘Might Be Able’ To Run For President – IOTW Report

Biden Tells Non-US Citizen He ‘Might Be Able’ To Run For President

Biden, after being told by a British guy that he wasn’t eligible to run for U.S. president, told the guy he might be able to beat Trump. “Who knows?,” he asked.

Well, we know. And the British guy knows. It’s Joe who doesn’t know.

14 Comments on Biden Tells Non-US Citizen He ‘Might Be Able’ To Run For President

  1. If Jackass Joe ever writes a book (someone will need to give him a box of crayons) it will have to be named: “Goofy Shit” by Joe Biden
    2nd Book: “Goofy Shit II” by Joe Biden”
    3rd book: “Even More Goofy Shit” by Jackass Joe”
    4th book: “The World Is Filled With Assholes” (A beginner’s guide to disappointment)

  2. Point of fact: Barry Sotero ran for and won not one but two presidential elections as a foreign citizen,so yes. I think Joe is right on this one. Give him a gold star.


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