Biden Says Trump Wants To Return To Jim Crow – IOTW Report

Biden Says Trump Wants To Return To Jim Crow


Presidential candidate Joe Biden got the nickname “Creepy Joe” because of his hands-on approach to the opposite sex at fundraisers and other political events.

He’s grabbed, groped, and kissed just about any woman within arm’s length.

Well, if Biden isn’t careful, he’ll get another nickname: “Crazy Joe.”

In January, he said white Americans are racist. Now, he says, President Trump wants to reinstate Jim Crow, the state and local laws that segregated blacks from whites, and that Congress abolished 55 years ago.

the Associated Press reported, “where black voters play a key role in the South’s first presidential primary.”

Because Republicans think voters should show identification before casting a ballot, those Republicans secretly pine for the days when blacks drank at separate water foundations and used separate public restrooms.

Reported AP on Saturday:

In criticizing Republican efforts to adopt more stringent voting rules, including identification requirements and curtailing early voting hours, Biden recalled the racial segregation laws of the past.

“You’ve got Jim Crow sneaking back in,” he said, referring to the era before the civil rights movement.


17 Comments on Biden Says Trump Wants To Return To Jim Crow

  1. Our Secretary of State in Alabama (R) has a program that if you cannot get an ID, they will drive to your house and make the card for you. It costs NOTHING to do that and I think one person has done it.

    I realize this is a Demonrat talking point but it is so freaking frustrating.

  2. Hey Joe, I have news for you: The people who are bringing back segregation are black. And your leftie white buddies are helping them. We’re not going back to Jim Crow. We are going back to Marcus Garvey.

  3. Working with Kim Kardashian to release non-violent blacks from serving life sentences typically given to them in Democrat run states equals Worst White Supremacist ever.

    D’ey gun put ya’ll back in chains!

  4. “You’ve got Jim Crow sneaking back in,” he said, referring to the era before the civil rights movement.

    Biden was referring to his lead within his own party’s clown car. I don’t believe that statement involves Trump or anyone else whatsoever. He learned from Obama for 8 years that in order to be a successful president in the eyes of media you need to talk solely about yourself.

  5. …RETURN to Jim Crow? WHITE people get to live it EVERY DAY, thanks to Democrats.

    …whether it’s employment, housing, loans, college admission, grants, selection for federal, state, and local contracts, etc., etc., etc., White people are CONSTANTLY discriminated against.

    …White people ALSO have a different, more severe code of conduct as to what they can say or do, where even NOT talking to someone can be construed as a “Microaggression” and therefore grounds for dismissal, as well as tacit permission for a rules-free beatdown by the “offendee” as well as being REQUIRED to mix everything according to some mystical racial proportional theory, so there IS no “Freedom of Speech” or “Freedom of Assembly” for White people.

    …meanwhile, Black people are not only permitted, but EXPECTED to belong to racially exclusive groups and can say what EVER they wish with impunity.

    …And that’s BEFORE you get to where White people can be threatened, demonized, even attacked and murdered with impunity, not to mention that consent decrees on some Police Departments actually ENCOURAGE pulling over more White people just driving through on the highway because, “fairness”…

    …so don’t talk to ME about Jim Crow, Joe Biden. Because of your Party of Division And Racial Spoils, my son has had to live with it HIS WHOLE LIFE.

    …Where’s HIS reparations?

  6. Why would you needs Jim Crow laws if all the black people are in chains? I thought Trump was going to put them back in chains. I was told there would be chains. Did someone lie to me?

  7. As always, the Left always lies by stating the opposite of the truths.

    I’m not saying there is no “segregationist” movement today because there certainly is and it’s growing.

    But it isn’t Whites doing it, it’s Blacks.

    More and more Black organizations are pushing a “No Whites allowed” theme at their functions, from college and other local meetings to the Congregational level organizations, and making increasing calls for a separate “Black nation” inside the United States.

    This is a result of Obama and Biden’s administration, it is at least starting to stabilize and provide an avenue of reversal under Trump (which is another thing the Left hates about him).

  8. When you cannot argue policy on the merits of your own ideas then you attack the person who is advocating them. This is what the democrats are doing to Trump and MAGA nation.

    Accusing Trump of bringing back Jim Crow laws is ridiculous but it assigns blanket blame on Trump even if the accusation is baseless. This is all the democrats got. This is how empty their ideas are and how fragile their egos have become.

    In many ways we are best off for now in letting the dems continue shooting their mouths off because there is little we can say that demonstrates how idiotic their proposals and positions are that is as effective as what they are doing represents.

    When you enemy is destroying themselves, don’t stop them.

  9. If they still taught American History in this country, black voters would know that it was Southern Democrats who enacted the Jim Crow legislation that Joey Biden is accusing Republicans of trying to reinstate. They would also know that it was Republicans in the US Congress that voted to pass the Civil Rights legislation that ended Jim Crow legislation and segregation in the Southern States. Now the Democrats have a them on a bigger plantation, just like LBJ predicted.

  10. So he’s basically saying that people of color are too stupid to know how to get an ID. But what dems really want is for non-citizens to be able to illegally vote without impunity so demonrats can cheat their way to a win, because that’s the only way it would happen in 2020.

    Biden and his fellow travelers should be hung from the nearest lamp post for treason.


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