Biden sends Ukraine $500 MILLION more in arms – IOTW Report

Biden sends Ukraine $500 MILLION more in arms

PM: The US Department of Defense (DoD) recently announced that it will be providing Ukraine with “critical new security assistance,” including “the authorization of a Presidential Drawdown of security assistance with more ammunition for US-provided HIMARS, air defense interceptors, and artillery rounds” that Ukraine is apparently using to defend itself against Russia.

The DoD is also equipping Kyiv with “anti-armor systems, small arms, heavy equipment transport vehicles, and maintenance support,” all of which is reportedly valued at up to $500 million, per a report.

This comes as Russia has recently announced that European ally Belarus now has fighter jets capable of transporting nuclear weapons, which has inevitably raised the stakes of the conflict playing out in Ukraine. Additionally, the Kremlin has warned of countermeasures following NATO’s welcoming of Finland into the organization on Tuesday. Finland shares an 800-mile border with Russia, which raises questions about whether NATO will install military infrastructure close to the border.  more

24 Comments on Biden sends Ukraine $500 MILLION more in arms

  1. The GOP will put and end to these out of control payoffs to the military-industrial regime just as soon as they gain control of the House, Senate and Presidency.

  2. Islam elected to the board at my son’s school. I knew it was going to be bad when the uber-progressive pocket in my neighborhood had lawn signs out for this witch.

    This place is burning down faster than the hindenburg.

  3. Why does Ukraine need more shit when they’re always just an inch away from pushing Russia out?

    I don’t know … my math or theirs … but something doesn’t add up.

    What’s the total, so far?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “European ally Belarus now has fighter jets capable of transporting nuclear weapons”

    …so, the Cuban missile crisis, European edition.

    But with the demented pedophile puppet of a Nazi sitting in a stolen White House.

    I doubt Putin would have the patience to figure out what Pedo is mumbling through the hotline, assuming the drooling illegitimate molester in chief can even figure out how to use it…

  5. Roughly $2 for every American to Erase Joey & Hunters Physical Evidence in the Ukraine.

    There is NO DOUBT in my mind that ChYnA & Russia have a TON of evidence that id being kept OFF the InterWebbyThingy buy the Tech Oligopolies.

  6. I suppose I’m just stupid, because I simply don’t understand where these people get the authority to send my tax dollars to Ukraine. Either declare war on Russia and start launching nukes or quit pissing away billions of dollars that we could certainly use to fix our own fucking problems which are becoming too numerous to count.

  7. Kcir
    AT 8:29 AM
    “Roughly $2 for every American to Erase Joey & Hunters Physical Evidence in the Ukraine.”

    …not erase, withhold for a bit longer.

    A blackmailer NEVER erases his leverage. As long as he has it, he can keep demanding forever.

    That’s what makes paying blackmail so stupid.

    Unless you’re the neurosyphiliptic tool being used to drain the treasury of a contry your masters want destroyed anyway. Makes perfect sense then.

    …its like this…

  8. @ Tim – FJB at 5:56 am
    my math or theirs … but something doesn’t add up. What’s the total, so far?

    The total is 5317.

    Enter the number into a calculator and turn it upside down.

  9. No price is TOO great (for the American taxpayer) to cover up the financial shenanigans of the Biteme crime family syndicate, & you will KEEP PAYING to keep it covered up!!!


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