Biden senior adviser to leave White House for DNC – IOTW Report

Biden senior adviser to leave White House for DNC

Richmond was reportedly a top critic of the Democratic Party’s progressive wing after the 2020 election.


Senior Biden adviser Cedric Richmond will depart the White House to work for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) next month, Fox News has confirmed.

Richmond served as the director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, and also as a senior adviser to President Biden. He will take an advisory role at the DNC starting in May, a Biden adviser told Fox News.

“I am thrilled that the President has entrusted me with helping boost the robust work already being done at the DNC to make sure that Democrats grow their majorities in the House and Senate, and increase the number of Democratic governors in state capitals around the country,” Richmond said in a Tuesday statement.

Richmond’s departure comes one day after reports that he criticized Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. and her fellow “squad” members as “f—ing idiots” after the 2020 election. more

6 Comments on Biden senior adviser to leave White House for DNC

  1. “I am thrilled that the President has entrusted me with helping boost the robust work already being done at the DNC …”

    “Thrilled?” Seriously? Do guys get “thrilled?”
    “President?” Seriously? A Usurper is NOT a President.

    The DNC is a criminal organization and if this asswipe is “thrilled” to be there, then he’s a criminal of some standing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Every time I see a poor begotten African residing in this country I totally weep for his/her situation of being forced to endure all the systemic racism abounding here! My heart bleeds for them and their pitiful existence and more than proves that we owe it to them to repatriate them back to a country that will give them all the pleasures and privilege’s of living in a third world shit hole!

  3. This is great! He couldn’t manage as a good advisor to Biden, so he joins the DNC to give them more bad advice! In one door and out the other. None of the Dims and Repugs could make it out in the real world. We sit back and watch how they act and what they say. Only conclusion I could come to.

  4. With the unconstitutional and obscene Affirmative Action, quota’s and favor ship of minority skin colors “Meritocracy” has been replaced by “Mediocracy”!
    Goodbye sane and normal world! Welcome to a declining and inept culture and civilization!

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