Harvard Poll Shows Biden Approval Plunged 18 Points Among Young Voters In Last 12 Months – IOTW Report

Harvard Poll Shows Biden Approval Plunged 18 Points Among Young Voters In Last 12 Months


A new poll of prospective American voters aged 18-34 revealed a huge 18-point plunge in approval of President Biden over the last year.

The Harvard Youth Poll conducted by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School at Harvard University released its Spring 2022 results on Monday, showing Biden’s approval rating among young voters at 41%, as opposed to the 59% approval rating he garnered in the spring of 2021.

“The biggest problem is Biden’s cheap promises to forgive student debt,” Ed Morrissey of Hot Air posited. “It turned out to be far more difficult to achieve rather than promise.” The Harvard poll acknowledged, “When it comes to student loans, 85% of young Americans favor some form of government action on student loan debt, but only 38% favor total debt cancellation.”

The Harvard poll offered more good news for Republicans: “Compared with Spring 2018 Harvard IOP polling, the composition of the electorate looks different. Young Democrats (38% of 18–29-year-olds) are less likely (-5 points) and young Republicans (25% of 18-29-year-olds) are more likely (+7) to vote at this stage.”


11 Comments on Harvard Poll Shows Biden Approval Plunged 18 Points Among Young Voters In Last 12 Months

  1. Greedy, grasping, ignorant maggots.
    Nationalizing debt just means that they, and their children, and their grandchildren will be paying it off.

    A generation of illiterate innumerates.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim – FJB – Exactly what I was thinking! Let’s also hope they have juuuust enough insight to blame the democRAT party for installing this moron like a toilet! They are more to blame than an asshole whose marbles fell out and rolled behind the refrigerator a looong time ago!

  3. TRF
    APRIL 27, 2022 AT 8:16 AM
    “Let’s also hope they have juuuust enough insight to blame the democRAT party for installing this moron like a toilet!”

    …I just had a toilet installed, a megaflush job that could pass softballs. Toilets are useful, they take shit AWAY from you, while Democrats heap more and more of it on you every day.

    Maybe the metaphor could be “installed like a defective Builder’s Special toliets that backs up and spills sewage down into your furnace vents to be blown back into your face until you die”, but that’s not very crisp or concise.

    Otherwise, I like the imagery of his being put in place for a specific task, but somehow it has to convey involuntarily too, as well as being counterproductive.

    I can’t come up with something like that, but we have a lot of people smarter than me here, perhaps someone else can…

  4. SNS – I think that was what Donald Jr said.
    However toilets do clog and Jackass Joe is so full of shit not even a 50 gallon water closet would have enough head pressure to clear it!

  5. No doubt younger voters have been around grandpa and grandma long enough to know they shouldn’t be trusted outside of the TV remote. I know a senor citizen couple that gave me a very nice non-working flat screen TV that had stopped working after they had gotten a new one installed. A few weeks later I looked at it to see what had gone bad. A set of new Double A batteries for the remote magically brought it back to life.


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