Biden shuffles along a desolate stretch of the border with no illegal aliens in sight – IOTW Report

Biden shuffles along a desolate stretch of the border with no illegal aliens in sight

WLT: In an attempt to ensure the public that his administration takes the current border situation seriously, Biden was filmed taking a stroll in Brownsville, Texas for a photo-op.

Well, not a stroll really.

More of a shuffle.

As Biden “walked” with security officials along a barren stretch of the southern border he can be seen struggling to stand.

24 Comments on Biden shuffles along a desolate stretch of the border with no illegal aliens in sight

  1. he did a great job. sarc.
    who you going to believe?
    the cameras don’t lie.
    was he even on the order?
    prove it!
    let cameras into one of the NYC illegal alien hotels.

  2. Marc Segal was saying the other day that Biden should walk with a cane to prevent him from falling. It’s elder abuse to put him out there in front of the cameras and force him to shuffle along trying to keep his balance.




  4. I’m guessing the robust female was there to give him something soft to fall on should he lose his footing?
    What the hell use would someone that out of shape accomplish in an emergency situation beyond being an obstacle.
    Damn Unions!

  5. Anyone could tell the doddering old fart that you’re not going to see many illegals crossing in Brownsville. Nothing but a cheesy photo op. I wonder what flavor of ice cream he got for being such a big boy.

  6. These images prove that there are no illegals crossing the border, between Delaware and Maryland. Russian disinformation!!

  7. The shuffling is 100% characteristic of DEMENTIA. What you are witnessing, along with TREASON, is ELDER ABUSE by Jill, Obama, and everyone else pulling his strings for their own benefit.

  8. Where is our Anonymous dim licker? I figured he/she/it would have been along by now to tell us how vigorous Joe was just pacing himself, getting ready to deal with his huge pantload. I mean workload.

  9. Boy oh boy the Great Wall dat Mexico paid for sure saved America, along with the new border bills the House passed, America is in tiptop shape. Then there’s more on Gomer who is more concerned what an Anonymous poster would type. That would be,^^^^ if you only had a brain.

  10. Imagine the hilarity if an illegal had tried to cross right in front of Biden’s face.

    Biden: Hey Look, here comes an illegal one now! I can tell he’s illegal – his back is all wet!

    Border Agent: Yes sir, I see him. What do you want us to do?

    Biden: (looks around to see if the reporters and video cameras are capturing the incident so that he can say he’s tough on illegal immigration)…Uh do your job, grab the wetback and send him back to Mexico.

    Border Agent: But Sir, your policies say to let them all in. We can’t just arrest him and send him back across the river.

    Biden: No, I don’t remember that policy and I don’t remember giving that order and I don’t remember ever saying that…Trump said let them all come in, not me…I remember Trump saying that.

    Border Agent: Allright Mr. President, but he’s going north towards Houston and running really fast…I don’t know if we can track him down or not…what do you want us to do now?

    Biden (thinking…takes the Border Agent to the side out of earshot of the reporters)….OK….here’s what John Kerry did in Vietnam to a Viet Cong kid…here is what I want you to do…shoot that wetback in the back…Kerry got a medal for his heroism. Shoot the wetback in in the back and I’ll see you get a medal.

    Border Agent: Sir, that is inhumane and illegal and I can’t carry out your order.

    Biden: Everything I say to you is legal. You’re fired Pony Soldier….get out of here.

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