Biden Shuffling Horrible LA Mayor Eric Garcetti Off to India – IOTW Report

Biden Shuffling Horrible LA Mayor Eric Garcetti Off to India

Isn’t India the worst spot on earth for Covid right now?

This is like getting an ambassadorship to Chernobyl.


President Biden is ready to nominate Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti as his ambassador to India, sending a trusted political ally to the world’s biggest democracy, people familiar with the matter tell Axios.

Driving the news: Biden is planning to name his first slate of political ambassadors as soon as next week, rewarding political allies like Garcetti, as well as big-dollar donors, many of whom covet postings in elegant European capitals.

  • The White House is still finishing the vetting process for potential ambassadors, including Garcetti, whose office called an Axios report earlier this month that he was being considered for an ambassadorship “speculative.”
  • When the vetting process is complete, Biden is expected to formally send more than a dozen names to the Senate to begin the confirmation process for his first batch of political ambassadors.


11 Comments on Biden Shuffling Horrible LA Mayor Eric Garcetti Off to India

  1. Going from one shit-hole to another is perfect for un-mayor Garcetti. He’ll feel right at home in New Delhi.

    That plum assignment as ambassador to Switzerland is out-of-reach for the prick.

  2. “The ambassador doesn’t work for the State Department,” said former Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), who also served as U.S. ambassador to China. “He or she works for the president of the United States.”

    Yeah, on paper. They really work for the CIA, through the State dept.

  3. lived in india 4 years, it is a corrupt, broken down shithole.
    national average IQ is 80.
    many of the people you meet every day are thieves, liars and/or cheat, they want what is in your pockets.
    those with connections, money or power live a life of luxury


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