Biden skewered for ‘ridiculous tall tale’ about giving uncle a ‘Purple Heart’: ‘Biggest serial liar elected’ – IOTW Report

Biden skewered for ‘ridiculous tall tale’ about giving uncle a ‘Purple Heart’: ‘Biggest serial liar elected’

The left says “big deal.” So what if he tells tall tale anecdotes that are exaggerated or untrue?

So what?

Why would you believe ANYTHING he says if he just casually lies about stuff?


Conservatives on Twitter blasted President Joe Biden for telling another “ridiculous tall tale” about himself in a speech, claiming that his uncle won a Purple Heart for his actions during World War II. 

Critics slammed the claim, asserting there is no evidence it is true. 

Biden made the remarks during a town hall for U.S. veterans in Delaware on Friday. At one point during his speech, the president stated, “My dad, when I got elected vice president [in 2008], he said, ‘Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.’ He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge, but he said, ‘and he won the Purple Heart and he never received it. He never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We will surprise him.’”

He continued, claiming, “So I got him the Purple Heart. He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge. And I remember he came over the house and I came out and [my father] said, ‘Present it to him, okay?’ We had the family there.”

Biden concluded the story, claiming he gave the medal to his uncle despite his Frank’s humble protests. 

Though the New York Post shot holes through the story in a Friday report, stating, “The known facts indicate it’s not true. Biden’s father, Joseph R. Biden Sr., died in September 2002 — more than six years before his son was elected vice president. Frank Biden, Joe Sr.’s brother, died in 1999.”

The piece also noted, “Frank Biden’s tombstone does not identify him as a Purple Heart honoree, nor does his obituary. A partial registry of known Purple Heart recipients also doesn’t note anyone by that name receiving the award, though that database is not comprehensive.” 


18 Comments on Biden skewered for ‘ridiculous tall tale’ about giving uncle a ‘Purple Heart’: ‘Biggest serial liar elected’

  1. As Satan is the Father of All Lies, those who habitually lie are Satan’s sons.

    We’ve become so accustomed to lies that we no longer cringe when they’re told to us.
    But if a man lies; then he is a liar (duh). And NOTHING he says should be taken as anything other than a lie. How gullible are the American people? This fool “won” by 81 Million votes? Really? This pathological liar? This bully? This corrupt thief? This malignant parasite who has spent his entire life grifting off the American taxpayers?
    People vote for (or against) candidates based on their own interests.
    Is it even possible that the Retarded Usurping Pedophile Joey Biden could enhance the lives of 81 Million people? Absurd. He’s made life a greater struggle for the taxpayers, the working citizens, and consumers – so who are those benefitting from the Retarded Usurping Pedophile Joey Biden’s largesse?

    The Oligarchs of Ukraine and the corrupt politicians here are all I’m able to discern – so the question begs – why would ANYONE else support this maggot?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. C’mon man! Every kid in my house, children, granchilrren, neighborkids, don’t matter, getz ta battle the bulge in muh pants!

    They get awarded the Purple Head when they loze!

  3. You can gain numerous Military Medals through several mail order businesses. If you didn’t earn it, wear it or say you falsely earned it, it is Stolen Valor.

    I suspect Ol’ Joey (with his 6 deferments from the Vietnam war)
    made up the story to elevate his family and himself in his ever diminished mind. There are no more levels to sink to for Biden, he’s at the bottom of the Barrel !

    Being a recipient of the PH, I can guarantee you that no person considers themselves to have “WON” it.

    Biden has the card to lie with impunity, he has used it his whole career and the MSM with help from government spokesholes, either kill the story or explain what Biden “really” meant to say.

    God Help us.

  4. Typical biden behavior. Mr Generous. But he’s always giving away what belongs to others. IOW, he is a lifelong thief as well as a big liar.

    Idiots in Delaware idolized “their Joe” because “he paved my grandma’s driveway” or similar BS. When you pointed out that “Regular Joe” never dipped his hand into his own pocket for such largesse, their eyes would glaze over.

    The stoopids deserve such leadership. May he send those peeps to die for Zelensky the nazi in the shithole he’s made out of the land formerly known as Ukraine.

    Liar, thief, murderer. Shitpants.

  5. I saw this yesterday. What surprised me was that it was on MSN page, with at least one other unflattering Biden story. Apparently, even the left is no longer hiding the fact that a steaming pos has been installed as president.

  6. They are afraid to loose the White House to DeSantis or Trump and want a stronger Filth Bag running for themselves.

    Hillary or Big Mike would be their Ideal.

  7. His Uncle Frank WAS in the Battle of the Bulge – with the 1st SS Panzer Division.
    He handed out toilet paper as a Latrine Attendant.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. There must’ve been a bar in Scranton where ‘uncle Frank’ serviced perverts in the men’s room. THAT ‘battle of the bulge’.

    Can you imagine if Shitpants biden were to step in front of an Acela train how loud the cheer would be across America?!


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