Biden Spokesperson Vows “Trespassers” Will Be Escorted From WH – IOTW Report

Biden Spokesperson Vows “Trespassers” Will Be Escorted From WH


Amid a nation that is teetering on the edge of something very dangerous, this type of rhetoric from the Joe Biden campaign adds a particularly explosive fuel to the issue. More

11 Comments on Biden Spokesperson Vows “Trespassers” Will Be Escorted From WH

  1. Let’s review.

    In the middle 2000’s (approx.) the Russians let it be known that they expected the U.S. to “break-up” around the year 2014. As in break apart… cease being the same force in world affairs.

    Since that time, the Chinese and others have announced many times their intention to kill the U.S. Dollar and the Chinese military has expanded by at least by an order of magnitude.

    And now the Chinese are here with there $$$ buying politicians by the sack full. (Ironic, eh? Not here with Yuan, but Dollars.)

    2020 Election Stolen.

    What better way to help that along by trying your darndest to fuel a collapse into civil war even before the case is legally resolved?

    If you’re the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, etc., you simply hedge your bets at each point in your strategy.

    This is not rocket science. If you’re Biden or Pelosi, you say what they tell you to say.

  2. Escorted to where? Reeducation or concentration camps, the gulags?

    The American people had better get woke, as to what the Commies of the Democrat Party have in store for us. Again I ask, where are the spineless Republican’s? 🤔

  3. Too bad for BackDoorBiden. Possession, it is said, is 9/10ths of the law, and we are in possession of the WH. Come and take it if you dare, but be prepared to be smited.

  4. The person in the White House on January 20th will be the person the Electoral College elects as our next President. There is nothing that will change this.

    Rhetoric suggesting it might not be that way before the electoral vote is even taken or the electors that will be casting them even chosen is both irresponsibly inflammatory and publicly dangerous (and by dangerous I mean as in deadly violence causing dangerous).

    Expect all sorts of trouble, maybe deadly trouble, if it turns out to be Biden (which it is currently looking like it will) and even more if it turns out to be Trump (whom Biden and the Left will not accept under any circumstances).

    The Left will not back down, they never do and will not start doing it now.


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