Biden staffer mocks journalists hoping to speak with former VP, says campaign will ‘keep not caring’ – IOTW Report

Biden staffer mocks journalists hoping to speak with former VP, says campaign will ‘keep not caring’

The presumptive Democratic nominee has not held a press conference for 77 days.

21 Comments on Biden staffer mocks journalists hoping to speak with former VP, says campaign will ‘keep not caring’

  1. “The 77-year-old Biden’s campaign has been limited because of the social-distancing necessities associated with the coronavirus.”

    nooooooooooooo …..
    The 77-year-old Biden’s campaign has been limited because of the limited thought capacity of the candidates necessities associated with the ravages of 3 aneurisms & advancing dementia.

    … fixed it

  2. More 77’s in this story since 77 Sunset Strip.

    Joey is 77. Not seen in 77 days.

    I will add, Jimmy Carter sworn in on Jan 20, 1977.

    Hey Joe. I know you don’t like Metamucil. Its thick and unpallitable, but you have to get off the toilet and address your fervent fans eventually.

  3. ChristianPDX – actually it’s worse than that. They are floating the idea that President Trump will not leave office if Biden wins. What they are really doing is setting things up to “legitimize” a hard coup when Trump wins fair, square and bigly!!

  4. Pull the trigger and fire Biden as Presidential candidate for the idiots, thus blowing up the DNC. Or just let him run as the presidential candidate for the DNC and blow up the DNC thusly….this is gonna be more fun then taking the wings off of flies and turning them into walks…..

  5. Not sure. Maybe Michelle? She could tap the BLM and “racial justice” vibe, first black woman president, sympathy for slow Joe (we all knew he would have beaten orange man!) and whatever other scams they could play. Doesn’t matter so much who they get to win. That one won’t be deciding anything anyway.

  6. This is an incredible amount of stupidity even for the democrats. Its unfathomable to me how any non violent person can vote for them. Their candidate could be strapped into a chair, wearing a bib, and someone serving him oatmeal at the “debate” and those dumbasses will still be voting democrat cuz Trump said pussy.


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