Biden Steals Hillary’s “No Ways Tired” Pandering – IOTW Report

Biden Steals Hillary’s “No Ways Tired” Pandering

Has this guy ever had an original thought?

21 Comments on Biden Steals Hillary’s “No Ways Tired” Pandering

  1. Fur, that’s the first thing I thought too.
    Way to go team, use all the stuff that didn’t work for Hellery. When it doesn’t matter any more just throw something against the wall and see what sticks, kind of like monkeys.
    This week in the news, two major Dem has beens get raked over the coals. It’s going to be brutal when they let loose on these two.

  2. Count on riots. When they lose, the CCP is going to heavily invest in civil unrest. In the unlikely event they get away with stealing the election? They’ll celebrate by burning down their own cities.

  3. @joe6pak: Believe it or not, I actually met Tiny Tim (Herbert Khaury) in person once. Even though he presented himself as a weirdo, he took his music seriously. I’m pretty sure he would have been appalled to have his song used for the background for this tweet.

  4. As crazy as Joe is, it’s even crazier that he’s spent a lot of time this close to the nuclear football. Now the Left want to put him in charge of it. Pretty hair-raising when you think about it.

  5. Stealing is all CorruptJoe knows what to do. He stole his wife from a campaign supporter, he stole speeches from other politicians, he stole (lied) his class ranking, and now he’s stealing a stump speech from a failed presidential candidate. And if, God forbid, he wins the election, he will have stolen that too. He is the quintessential swamp politician.

  6. Has this guy ever had an original thought? – BFH

    to answer your question, if Greezy Joe ever had an Original Thought and a cold drink of water at the same time, it would kill him dead.


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