Biden Swears At Staff While Doubting Himself On Policy – IOTW Report

Biden Swears At Staff While Doubting Himself On Policy

Red State

There’s a new report out from the New York Times about Joe Biden based upon talking with two dozen current and former Biden associates regarding Biden’s demeanor.

The report describes Biden as having “scolded his aides in profanity-laced episodes.” The interviews paint Biden as having “a short fuse.” It also says he needs “hours of debate” and that it “takes days or weeks to make up his mind as he examines and second-guesses himself and others” before he’s able to come to decisions. More

23 Comments on Biden Swears At Staff While Doubting Himself On Policy

  1. It takes “days or weeks”? Can he even make up his mind at all? Or are his thoughts given to him by Susan Rice?

    Let me be honest, my father occasionally shows signs of dementia, so I am not taking it lightly. However, I would not want my father to be running his town, let alone the country.

  2. Jill, was it worth it? Can you keep this ruse up for a year, never mind four years? Will you be able to bear up when the pressure for Joe to step aside becomes too great to ignore? Are you OK with him likely to go down in history as the most illegitimate president ever, not to mention ineffectual and weak?

  3. If you’ve been waiting all your life to really change the world and you finally get the chance after having all but give up.
    Now you know you are failing mentally, physically and may die any day. You or I would be anxious too and want to make as much of an impact as possible.
    Unfortunately for Joe he’s a liberal Democrat who is past the point of making sound decisions. He knows he’s losing it, he feels the pressures of everyone pushing him in different directions and he can’t handle it. He can’t last three and a half more years and sadly I’m wondering if America can.

  4. Cursing at his staffers, exposing himself to the Secret Service agents, and molesting people’s children. Ole Joe really knows how to make friends and influence people.

  5. I don’t believe this story. This regimes policies are so detrimental to our country they have to be intentional. From energy independent to a gas shortage in 4 months. An invasion at our southern border. Etc Etc. They are still out to fundamentally change this country. To Socialism

  6. “…based upon talking with two dozen current and former Biden associates…”

    Not buying it. Biden is a mess and he has no clue what is going on. If any of that stuff happens, it doesn’t come from Biden. It happens in the Marxist power struggle sessions within the junta, and it comes from Ron Klain, Susan Rice, ValJar et al.

  7. In all honest, I’d swear at those around him if I had half-a-chance and so far he’s only done one thing as president I agree with (recognizing the Armenian Genocide), but otherwise, I have great misgivings about every policy decision he has made and wish he’d stop.

  8. Biden’s a low-class grifter who has vastly exceeded his Peter Principle.
    His mental acuity is nil – and he hadn’t much to begin with – he was a tool of those who funded him.
    He enriched himself and his cronies at the expense of the taxpayers (and continues to do so).
    A typical product of the amoral atmosphere of Delaware where corporate largess paves the way to filth, corruption, extortion, greed, envy, gangsterism, and the likes of Biden (which makes you wonder why he didn’t run from Pennsylvania) thrust into the heights of politics.

    He’s always been a foul-mouthed imbecile, a liar, a plagiarist, and a scoundrel.
    (I think he thinks it makes him sound like a tough guy)

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. So the NY Times is starting to get the knives out for old bastage in the hopes of having a Female President by 2022.

    Got it!

    The next phase of the plan is staring to kick in…
    (with nat. guard still in the Cap)

  10. Progressives are going to light the world on fire, and not in a good way.

    America has to abandon progressiveness. It’s Marxism.

    There is only one path through life for us all in this context. It must be free, and it isn’t that which we don’t know how to do already.

  11. Remember this imbecile recommended not going after Osama Bin Laden.
    He rold the Magic Half Negro they needed more time and information.
    So it does have a ring if truth to it.

    As for his short fuse, stupid people like the pedophilic corpse are easily frustrated by their own inability to process information and decisively act on that information.

    What the NY Slimes is really saying is the pedo is to stupid to make up his own mind, and his brain is quickly melting into applesauce. We are so screwed.

  12. Important to remember: Joe Biden has zero executive experience. He is absolutely clueless how to be a successful executive. He has no training in executive management and leadership skills and no experience in it. And obviously he has no aptitude

    In contrast, President Trump has decades of successful executive experience.


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