Biden Talking Gibberish Again – Interpreter Needed – IOTW Report

Biden Talking Gibberish Again – Interpreter Needed

29 Comments on Biden Talking Gibberish Again – Interpreter Needed

  1. This is what it sounds like when a weak, unintelligent and ineffectual mind is finally gone. Biden was never very bright but now dementia has taken what little intelligence he ever had.

  2. It’s obvious how the voice in his ear piece is now confusing the voice in his head. His static pauses and mental strain to concentrate are visible on his face.

    It’s painful to watch knowing this demented pedophile is in charge of this country.

  3. Yeah, but it’s like ‘what choice do we have?’

    The republican governor of Utah said that right wing media is fueling vaccine ‘hesitancy’ by misinformation and it’s killing people.

    I will never stop preaching what a con game and a sham the republican party is.

  4. Separated at birth – Dementia Joe and the Banjo kid from Deliverance.

    I saw a side by side of them and now I can’t unsee it.

    I’ve been saying for a long time that Slow Joe’s brain freezes were actually him trying to listen to the voice in his earpiece. Why oh why can’t somebody cause interference with the guy at the other end of the line and get Joey Whispers to say “Salute the Marines” again?

  5. @SNS Hahaha 🤣

    I’m waiting for the voice in ol’ Joe’s earpiece to get frustrated trying to reel him in, just lose it and start screaming obscenities.
    Betcha that would be entertaining.

  6. The puppet is trying to go off on a tangent while the puppet master is telling him what to say in his earpiece.
    It’s embarrassing.
    The so called “news anchors” are better actors than most. Standing there maintaining a straight face.

  7. Attention all media. As of today, all questions submitted to the President must have “yes” or “no” answers. The President will have the option of “maybe so” for poorly framed questions. This is being done to avoid any confusion on your part.

  8. Some new nicknames for Joe

    Banjo Biden, Joe Banjo (Zhao Ben Zhao), Drool Cup Joe (run with that one, Hannity)

    Finally, the one we should hammer relentlessly — Josef Stolen

  9. I went to a Jesuit High School which, as part of its mission to convert young Catholic boys into elitist asshole lawyers, puts great store on speaking ability. Everyone took four semesters of Speech

    Now, if I, at the age of 14, had gotten up in Freshman Speech and spent 25 seconds delivering incoherent word salad without a trace of semantic meaning, the teacher would have told me to sit down and would have given me an F for that assigment

    Im not even bullshitting in the slightest. Thats exactly what would have happened

  10. Moreover, if on the first day of Basic Training at FT Leonard (Little Korea) Wood, I was unable to remember the name of the Pentagon or said “Salute Officer” instead of actually saluting an officer .. it would have been an instant Section 8


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