Biden Team Building “Superstructure” of Lawyers to Contest Election – IOTW Report

Biden Team Building “Superstructure” of Lawyers to Contest Election

Rolling Stone

Team Biden’s in-house counsels and network of outside lawyers are currently preparing legal strategies for scenarios involving recounts that would make, in the words of one Biden official, “make Florida in 2000 look like child’s play.”

Sources in and around the president’s legal and political operations say the Biden campaign’s current wargaming is informed by questions aides asked themselves in the wake of the 2020 election: What if there’s a rematch in four years with Donald Trump? What do we do if Joe Biden wins and Trump tries to steal the election again?  More

23 Comments on Biden Team Building “Superstructure” of Lawyers to Contest Election

  1. “There is absolutely NO WIDESPREAD EVIDENCE that the 2024 Election will be manipulated by incumbent bureaucrats and that the reported results will be fraudulent.”

  2. “Didn’t Earn It” hiring criteria for lawfare posse:

    — Female (or male pretending to be female)
    — Black or Brown
    — Lesbian or worse
    — Bottom quintile correspondence law school paperwork
    — Funny-sounding first name with apostrophe and/or hyphen
    — Ability to out-shout a megaphone
    — Minimum five arrests for breach of peace while “demonstrating”
    — Knows how to make Molotov cocktails
    — Knows fuel:fertilizer ratio for AMFO
    — Owns minimum of 10 weaves, at least two blonde
    — All clothes minimum two sizes too small
    — Fluent in Ebonics and Gangsta
    — Don’t take no shit from no judges

  3. They don’t need legal skills, just bullying. Same as in the Al Franken and Mark Begich (against Ted Stevens in Alaska) vote counts – Dems behind in both, kept adding votes until they were ahead and then shut down.
    In fact, without either one of those we would not have 0bamacare or Dodd-Frank.


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