Biden Tells the World He’s Been Instructed To Call Upon a Specific Network To Take Questions – IOTW Report

Biden Tells the World He’s Been Instructed To Call Upon a Specific Network To Take Questions

Who instructed him? China? The Taliban? Obama?

Who gave NBC the question?

24 Comments on Biden Tells the World He’s Been Instructed To Call Upon a Specific Network To Take Questions

  1. His marxist puppet master and his comrades may shoot this idiot for letting everyone know he was instructed on who to call on for softball questions previously provided to and approved by the whitehouse.

    So is Biden being held hostage by Obama’s staff or is he just stupid?

  2. Joe is China’s bitch. During the shit storm taking place in Kabul he fucking took time out to grant China access to some of our chips. I guess my hooked on phonics is stuck on fuck today.
    Joe6 has a theory, everything starts and ends with China. I’m a believer. Ergo China tampered with an American election. Why? Because DJT was kicking their ass.

  3. Expanding a little bit on that theory, China told Joe its time to get out, and leave ALL your toys behind. If you don’t the whole world learns of your corruption, your family’s corruption, and most of all the corruption of 75% of your local, state, and federal government. We own you! How else do you explain the silence from the elephants? They too have been selling us out.

  4. One of the things that dementia does is remove any filters a person had. Joe was always a stupid nasty bully. Now that he is a stupid nasty bully with dementia he is revealing his true self to the world.

    He keeps saying the quiet part out loud. How many times has he said he is going to get in trouble – – – with who? Hey, ass clown, you are the so-called leader of the free world! Will DOCTOR Jill put you in timeout? Will the cabal (the puppet masters) take away your chocolate chocolate chip ice cream?

    This was the worst – “I’ve been instructed to call on the following people to read the preapproved questions that I have spent the last 5 hours rehearsing the canned responses to”. My drugs can only keep my eyes super dilated for so long and my ice cream is melting backstage.

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