Federalist: Biden may believe mouthing the words ‘law and order’ makes him strong, but his failure to call on elected officials in his own party to stop allowing murder and looting in the cities they run shows you how weak he is.
Now that polls won’t let them ignore the rioting, looting, murder, and arson this summer in Democrat-run American cities, openly cheered on by leftists like the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times author Nikole Hannah-Jones, Democrats have made a hard pivot to — what else? — “Blame Trump.”
We saw the blame-shifting begin last week with House Speaker “Republicans are domestic enemies” Nancy Pelosi. Today, it came straight from Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden:
Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?
Biden just made Democrats’ election subtext public. He said the quiet part loud: The chaos will continue until voters pick Democrats. MORE
Sounds like naked extortion to me. What’s the difference between Biden’s words and, “Pay us protection money or we’ll burn your place down”?
Blackmail been veddy veddy good for communists!
What he meant to say was the riots will continue if you vote dimwit.In other words, the riots are controlled by the dimwits who are liable for All damage and penalties. Thanks Joe!
Other Dems have already said that peaceful protests will continue, regardless of who the next president is. This all started in Obama’s first term. Why would they want to stop? The end goal is the destruction of the US as we knew it.
“Sounds like naked extortion to me”
It is. You can also interpret this to mean, if Trump wins it will be open season on Trump supporters. That’s what the threat really is.
Fire my son’s prosecutor or you don’t get the aid.
If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black.
It’s a normal progression.
If he weren’t a politician he could be held liable for a statement like that.
But he’s a politician so it’s allowed.
Normal, patriotic Americans don’t respond well to threats.
Kalamata Harris says she encourages protests to continue.
Mostly, I think, because she doesn’t believe Biden will win.
Also, she’s only using the veep nomination as a stepping stone to run for preezy again in 30 years.
“Biden: The Violent Riots Will Continue Unless You Vote Democrat”
Or as he has previously stated, “If you don’t vote democrat, you aint a rioter and a looter.”
Or until they are met by greater violence opposing them when they start.
Which is what it is going to eventually come down to, the Left is using them to get their way and won’t back down until it does.
Left Coast Dan: Partially right — he’s a Democrat politician. Trump is responsible for violence because he had an extra scoop of ice cream.
The Democrats are so far gone that they can’t see how badly this is going to backfire on them. Their position is COMPLETELY un-American and is not in the majority.
This actually started on the day that President Trump was inaugurated, when rioters burned limousines and broke windows while marching behind the inaugural parade. None of those who were arrested were every prosecuted. Those peaceful protesters didn’t stay peaceful for long.
Democrats will all Suicide in November.. And that’s a good thing..
NOT to worry, Grandpa Shithead. WE THE PEOPLE will take care of the Anqueefers – JUST as we’ll CRUSH you & BlowHo at the polls on Nov.3
Well then I guess he is formalizing the Democrat position that violent, and illegal seizure of power from a legitimately elected government will continue unless he gets his way and gets to rule over the country.
Did he just declare civil war? It sure sounds like it to me.
The Democrats will continue if you vote Democrats. This rioting is the best plan they’ve come up with to date to end their party.
Has Biden offered anything that hasn’t been a threat? He has stated he will make everyone nationwide wear a mask, will shutdown businesses again, will keep the riots going, and so on. All sound like threats to me.
Yep… sounds like a threat to me. It’s time to do something with this old bastard and all his Soros pals.
Of course the riots will continue. Joe and his party are heavily vested in them! Now, they can’t even shut them down.
I predict riots will continue after Nov 3 because the rioters are either communists, sociopaths, or criminals. When the police don’t stop them, don’t expect them to stop voluntarily. There is lots more loot to be had and more buildings to be burnt down.
Of course they will continue if he’s reelected and they will stop if biden is elected. they never want to f up a dem presidency by burning their cities down.
the republican party is hoping people will buy the notion that if they reelect trump, we’ll get law and order, because he’s the law and order president.
Even though he’s president now and the cities are on fire. It’s hard to figure the stupidity of people.
i’m not rah rah bullshit. he let fauci drive the economy into the ground and he’s letting cities burn. tweeting insults is great, i love it, but it does nothing to accomplish the agenda. nothing at all.
We’ve been scammed.
@MJA ~ don’t worry,
Kammie-la’sCommie-la’s knees will be wore out by thenxxx
You want an emperor not a president. You’re living in the wrong country.
The civil disobedience will continue until its hammered down, then buried. Regardless of who wins the election the enemies of the United States are emboldened. We are in a war whether we like it or not. We owe it to our founders and we owe it to our children to prepare for the unavoidable.
The scum politicians used to ask if you are better off than you were 4 years ago. Now they ask ‘what will you give us to have your old life back?’
Well now, isn’t that special?! Once a thug, always a thug. Biden’s only good direction is to be put out to pasture.