Biden threatens company executives who interfere with attempts to unionize – IOTW Report

Biden threatens company executives who interfere with attempts to unionize

World Tribune –

Having exhausted references to Corn Pop, Joe Biden on Monday invoked “Uncle Ed” in boasting about his union credentials.

“My uncle in Scranton, Uncle Ed, used to say, ‘Joey, you’re labor from belt buckle to shoe sole,’ ” Biden said during a Labor Day webstream with AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka. “I’ve never been afraid to say the word ‘union.’ … You can be sure you’ll be hearing that word ‘union’ plenty of times if I’m in the White House. The words of a president matter. ‘Union.’ ”

In case anyone, including himself, didn’t get the gist of what he was saying, the Democrat candidate added: “If I’m in the Oval Office, guess who’s gonna be there with me? Unions.”

Biden threatened to impose “a personal price” on company executives who resist attempts to unionize.

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23 Comments on Biden threatens company executives who interfere with attempts to unionize

  1. Carlie Fierini was on Fox Business in an interview with Maria Bartilima. She was saying it was time to fire Trump in November because he. Was not a leader and he failed at all levels. Maria asked her about a scenario where Joe can’t complete his term and it is President Harris. She said Joe is very vigorous on the campaign trail and he’s only a few years older than
    Insert Bugs Bunny 🐰 What a maroon clip here🤪

  2. Marco
    I remember Al Gore used to say his mom used to sing “Look for the Union Label” to him. Rush Limbaugh would play the clip and indicate Gore was around 30 when the song came out.

  3. I look forward to the debates. Wonder if Biden will be able to sting three sentences in a row together. After Trump mops the floor with him, the main stream media will go after Trump for being mean to the mentally disabled.

  4. Is joey still wearing polyester leisure suits from the 70’s. I was never enough of an old fart to wear those damned things. The only thing worse was plaid pants. My father in law wore a leisure suit to my wedding to his daughter 43 years ago tomorrow on 9/11/1977

  5. Dan Ryan Galt
    SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 AT 9:08 AM
    “…….‘Joey, you’re labor from belt buckle to shoe sole…”

    …does that mean the parts he rapes children with are for raping union members too?

    …not even sure if that’s metaphorical, in HIS case…

  6. While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old Virginia farmer, a doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.

    Eventually, the topic got around to Biden and his possible role as our president.

    The old farmer said, “Well, ya know, Biden is a ‘post turtle.'”

    Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him to explain.

    The farmer said, ‘When you’re driving down a country road, and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a ‘post turtle.’

    The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor’s face so he continued to explain: “You know he didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, he’s elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb asshole put him up there to begin with.”

  7. To all those calling all unions corrupt! Unions put a stop to Child Labor, gave us a 40 hr work week and lets not forget Benefits! Yes there has been corruption but there is Corruption found in JUST ABOUT EVERY BUSINESS or COMPANY OUT THERE NOWADAYS! I don’t need some White Collar Office Jockey to tell me about Corruption seeing there is more Corruption found in White Collar Jobs nowadays …..He with out Sin can Cast the first Stone… I’m union and Trump 2020! There is no way in HELL I’d vote DemoKKKrat ever again… I walked away 20 years ago….

  8. All you morons calling All Unions Corrupt.. You can go FK Yourselve! Unions Built America and Non-Unions are Now Destroying it.. White Collar Greed has Destroyed America.. Not unions and we don’t all support DemoKKKrats…

  9. The Purple People Eaters keep calling here in PA. They’re threatening to sends over Frankie, Tic-Tac, Rocco, & Three Finger Vinnie, if we’s don’t vote for SlowJoe & BlowHo; to learns us some respect for da’ UNION! 😳

  10. @Euragone – we have laws against those business practices now. Unions have outgrown any usefulness they had, and are now obsolete and toxic.

    My SIL’s husband is a union big wig and all he does is sit on his fat ass and collect money from other people’s paychecks and vote democrat.

  11. Biden is against right to work laws. Nobody should be forced to join a union just to get a job. We used to be free people and free to offer our labor to anyone who wants to hire us.

    What is it about freedom that he and other dumpocraps hate so much?

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