Biden To Run Campaign From Basement. Again. – IOTW Report

Biden To Run Campaign From Basement. Again.

Breitbart: President Joe Biden announced Tuesday he will make the headquarters of his 2024 campaign at his longtime private residence of Wilmington, Delaware, because it is steeped in his “family values.”

“My family’s values, my eternal optimism and my unwavering belief in the American middle class as our nation’s backbone comes from my home — from Delaware,” Biden said in a statement, Politico reports.

“That’s why there is no better place for our reelection campaign to have its headquarters,” Biden further boasted as he unselfconsciously claimed to be so proud of his family and all they represent. more here

14 Comments on Biden To Run Campaign From Basement. Again.

  1. What campaign? The Pedo will be out by May. His dementia is to hard to hide now.

    FFS he drifted off in front of the national media as Israeli President Herzog looked at the press hopelessly, as if to say: “My God you people are monsters, look at this demented schlub you call “President”.

    No manner of sort term staging, note cards, teleprompter, or million dollar cocktails can keep him functioning now.

    Prepare yourself for Wookie von Sasquatch…

  2. @JDHasty:

    The damnable fool doesn’t have what it takes to run an electric toothbrush.

    Ooh! That gave me an idea!
    Quick, somebody give Joey an electric chainsaw to play with.


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