Biden To Spend $30 Million Distributing Crack Pipes to “underserved communities” – IOTW Report

Biden To Spend $30 Million Distributing Crack Pipes to “underserved communities”


The Biden administration is set to fund the distribution of crack pipes to drug addicts as part of its plan to advance “racial equity.”

The $30 million grant program, which closed applications Monday and will begin in May, will provide funds to nonprofits and local governments to help make drug use safer for addicts. Included in the grant, which is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services, are funds for “smoking kits/supplies.” A spokesman for the agency told the Washington Free Beacon that these kits will provide pipes for users to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and “any illicit substance.” More

35 Comments on Biden To Spend $30 Million Distributing Crack Pipes to “underserved communities”

  1. …remember back when we all laughed at the absurdity of the conspiracy theory that the CIA invented crack and spread it in minority communities to make them violent and helpless?

    …doesn’t seem so far-fetched NOW, does it?

    …kind of right out there in the open with Pedo…

    ‘In the highly controversial 1991 film “Boyz N The Hood,” a saga about young Black boys growing up in the ghettos of Los Angeles, film writer/director John Singleton gave the viewing audience some food for thought, “They want us to kill each other off. What they couldn’t do to us in slavery, they are making us do to ourselves.”’

  2. grool
    FEBRUARY 8, 2022 AT 12:40 PM
    “And the Biden administration’s new Crack Pipe Czar is…

    [opens envelope]”


    Which one?

    Doesn’t matter.

    As long as it checks all the boxes…

  3. So they’ll order the pipes from China for more than they are worth and the crack pipes won’t actually work, kind of like the free COVID test kits. However, just like with the test kits, some Democrat member of government will receive some kickback from the Chinese company (IMHO).

  4. I don’t remember anyone stopping the Goobermint from handing out free needles. As a dentist who was REQUIRED not only to destroy needles, but to document that destruction and be responsible to preserve that documentation indefinetly (meaning my kids would have to somehow be held responsible).

    Biden and his ilk are exactly like rabid animals– they will do only harm until they are stopped cold.

  5. A government program that does absolutely no good, and considerable harm. Even Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters must see that….unless they bought crack pipe futures from Pelosi’s broker.

  6. Harm reduction is what the local douchebags call it. Handing out the tools so people don’t get secondary infections from dirty or broken equipment. Also providing beginners the paraphernalia necessary to develop a deep, rich, long lasting addiction to (properly) illegal drugs.

  7. This will cause a lot of overdose deaths in minority communities, as similar programs have shown. Considering how racist the dems are, this is actually pretty smart. Getting rid of an inconvenient demographic, pretending how much they care. That’s a win win for the dems.

  8. Could “anonymous” find some way to self-identify as not the annoying leftist, please.

    Better yet choose a pseudonym that best matches your predisposition then an Avatar (then got to Gravatar and create an account for your Avatar so we can enjoy it as well), so I don’t have to work so hard figuring out if I want to TU the comment or not.

  9. Will someone please tell me how providing crack pipes to drug users promotes racial equity? It does just the exact opposite creating more crackheads at gubmint expense. This is beyond the pale and an absolutely dumb idea to make blacks and other minorities permanent addicts and wards of the totally fucked up state. Whoever proposed this is beyond evil and doesn’t believe that blacks can help themselves except for gubmint intrusion into their miserable lives. Just like in the old Bob Dylan song. Everybody must get stoned and especially for blacks. Why isn’t this racist?


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