Biden Trashes The Constitution in Student Loan Give-Away – IOTW Report

Biden Trashes The Constitution in Student Loan Give-Away

I & I

Biden acknowledged last week that “my MAGA Republican friends in the Congress, elected officials, and special interests stepped in and sued us,” and that “the Supreme Court blocked it.”

“But that didn’t stop me,” he continued. “I announced we were going to pursue alternative paths for student debt relief for as many borrowers as possible. And that’s the effort that’s been underway the last two years.”

If the president can capriciously set policy, not waiting for Congress to act and ignoring Supreme Court rulings, then the executive branch is no longer one of the separate but equal branches of government. It becomes a separate but predominant branch.

“When the separation of powers becomes seriously distorted,” explains the Pacific Legal Foundation, “the checks and balances of the Constitution lose much of their force to limit government’s tendency toward tyranny.” More

15 Comments on Biden Trashes The Constitution in Student Loan Give-Away

  1. Wit all the immigrants Abbott distributed throughout America, now that 81 million grew to 100 million plus, tanks. With all those nice government programs & free cash now they’re all registered democratic voters.

  2. Like his supporters paid their tax bill in the 1st place. No problem, tax liens on your property. You can always move to Texas or Florida they great homeless programs or is that encampments.

  3. Brad, it will come to that and that is when he will send the Military, now run by LGBTQ weirdos to take your possession and your home from you….it is all part of the plan….

  4. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Separation of Powers, Voter Integrity means nothing to Biden and the DNC. Fascism.

    Unlike Brazil, “we are on notice” that any show of thousands of citizens protesting Biden’s bumbling and usurping
    Congress and the Supreme Court’s authority will be dealt with as an Insurrection, followed by arrests, prosecution, financial ruin and incarcerations. Fascism.

  5. Republicans, if there was no Constitution how we break all known laws written my man? But butt we do appreciate that fact to pick & chose which ones apply, well only after we twist them into meaningless tripe.


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