Biden Tries to Fund Raise Off President Trump Arraignment – IOTW Report

Biden Tries to Fund Raise Off President Trump Arraignment

Fox News

Some sought to remind others of the phrase often repeated by members of their party that “no one is above the law,” while Biden used the opportunity to fundraise for his 2024 re-election campaign.

“Apropos of nothing, I think today’s a great day to give to my campaign,” Biden posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. Trump’s campaign also later posted its own fundraising request on Truth Social, using the mugshot taken at the jail. More

11 Comments on Biden Tries to Fund Raise Off President Trump Arraignment

  1. OK, here’s what i want to know… Why isn’t anyone trying to impeach Jackass Joe for lying… something that comes second nature to him.
    What was Bill Clinton impeached for?
    Sex? Nope… perjury – lying.
    Well if El BJ can be impeached for lying, Jackass Joe could be impeached 1,000 times over!

  2. Joey was probably forcing his daughter against her will to give him bj’s while he showered with her. There isn’t anything redeemable about this pervert, what kind of sick father takes showers with his daughter. Isn’t that considered to be incest.

  3. The man has NO morals, standards or scruples as evidenced by pimping out his own son as well as taking showers with his daughter and enabling his entire family to be criminals. Not even the dogs can stand the filthy old bastard!


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