Biden Tries to Put Christ Back into Easter – IOTW Report

Biden Tries to Put Christ Back into Easter


The White House moved Sunday to make public its best wishes for Christians in the wake of an earlier furor arising from President Joe Biden embracing Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

statement from the White House was issued to that effect, saying the power of Christ’s Resurrection is honored in the observance of Easter More

16 Comments on Biden Tries to Put Christ Back into Easter

  1. The Bidens understanding Christianity is like a monkey trying to figure out geometry, they’ve gone this far in life without it, they prefer to do without the complication.

    At least recognizing (elevating) trannies is more in line with his world view.

  2. ^^^^

    Did you see him sniffin that poor two year old at the White House Special Olympic retarded President dance off with the Easter Bunny. What an asshole. What kind of parent would let their kid around Mr. No Bladder Control?

  3. Pervy Pagan Joe could care less about Jesus being the reason for the holiday. It’s only an opportunity for him to chase and fondle little kids across the WH lawn while they hunt for Easter eggs.
    That Easter message from the White House was a “reset” by God’s grace. Someone in that den of demoniacs knows and obeys God and set the record straight.

  4. Purely out of the goodness of his heart, and being a no brainer, Obiden reversed course. Surely, horrible polling, disastrous focus grouping, a nationwide backlash, and the CCP telling him to do damage control had nothing to do with his decision.

  5. Biden denies designating Easter as the ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
    . Having become aware of the outrage, Biden has now denied that he made that proclamation. It’s proof, as if we need it that Biden is either (a) demented, (b) a puppet, or (c) a compulsive liar. If this were a multiple choice, my answer would be “all of the above.”

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