Biden Tries to School the Nation on “Bidenomics” – IOTW Report

Biden Tries to School the Nation on “Bidenomics”

Red State

You have to hand it to the Biden team. They truly seem to be clueless. Or perhaps they think we are, with the things they try to sell us. 

They think the problem isn’t Biden, it’s just messaging. If Americans just understood Biden and his policies a little better, then we’d truly get what a great guy he is and how wonderful his “plans” are. Of course, the problem is that we do understand his policies–because they are adversely impacting our wallets every single day in so many ways. They’re costing us hundreds of dollars more every month–by one count, $709 more a month–and it’s not something we will soon forget.  More

15 Comments on Biden Tries to School the Nation on “Bidenomics”

  1. He may as well have stood there telling people, “You will believe what I tell you, not what your bank account tells you…or else”.
    These commies are disproving that telling a lie over and over gets everyone believing the lie.

    Go get some ice cream ol’ Pedo Joe.

  2. Low unemployment, energy independence, low cost of food, economy booming with jobs coming back to America?

    Damn, must have fallen asleep, went back in time to the summer of 2018!

  3. I’m north of 70, and have never seen an administration do everything they could to break the backs of the citizens. Nothing they have done has benefitted the country or its citizens. Won’t be long till the whole thing collapses. Pity the young.

  4. The only ones listening to this grinning imbecile are those on Welfare, WICK, SSI, SNAP, CHIP, EITC, housing assistance and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families which as it turns out is hardly temporary! They have no clue about what is happening since the flow of someone else’s money is seemingly unlimited! I estimate this to be about 35% of the population at this point – you know… like that 35% job approval rating that never seems to change? Well when you hit that number the real job approval rating is about zero with law-abiding, hard-working, over-taxed-paying Americans!!

  5. Marxists always blame the messaging. They pound their fist repeating the narrative they are in control. The only variation is how the command- “Comply or Die” is conveyed and leftist/crony media is always involved. There is no alternative. All Marxist regimes operate the same way, including the Xiden Administration.

  6. Think about the numbers here: $709/month is roughly $8,500/year. The average full-time worker would need more than a $4/hour raise just to maintain status quo. Anybody had a raise of $4/hour lately?

  7. Just bad packaging. Makes sense.

    Inadequate brand recognition. Yeah, that’s it.

    It couldn’t possibly be that the Beagle is eating its own turds and its breath stinks. Plus it rolls around in its own pee on the grass. Nah, that couldn’t be it. And its fur smells like a toilet before flushing it.

    And he likes to lick your hands, arms and legs with its foul, shit-saturated mouth while it sniffs you, although the male Beagle prefers women when doing this. But, of course, this is not a problem for Beagle lovers. For such people, the Beagle will invade your bed and dig out a space in your covers and transfer its aromatic payload. Hey, that’s just good marketing!

  8. @TRF –
    “…The only ones listening to this grinning imbecile are those on Welfare, WICK, SSI, SNAP, CHIP, EITC, housing assistance and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families which as it turns out is hardly temporary! They have no clue about what is happening…”

    I dare say that the clueless are far more than the segments you noted. They include highly educated gen-xers and millennials who are making above average income, and get their news from Bobby Bones, fakebook and other liberal sources. They think that know more than their parents. They live in a bubble because they don’t like politics, but rather just like the money that they are making and spending on themselves and their feel-good social causes. I sadly have first hand experiene with such a person.

  9. The only people in our country who have it really good are the illigrants (illegal immigrants) RECEIVING free health care, housing, food assistance, SSI grants, college educations, preferential treatment and access in any/every government program, and some places are even granting voting privileges without citizenship.

    And laws are being changed and passed so they don’t even need to learn the language of America.

    That’s Joey B.’s version of Build Back Better.

  10. stirrin the pot – You are right, but that segment of highly educated gen-xers and millennials who are making above average income, and get their news from Bobby Bones, fakebook and other liberal sources are going to feel the effects of Bidenomics sooner that the well-inslulated class of dumbed-down parasites that democRATz have cultivated in the inner-city plantations.


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