Biden Trying to Make J6 His Own Beer Hall Putsch Remembrance – IOTW Report

Biden Trying to Make J6 His Own Beer Hall Putsch Remembrance

Roll Call

President Joe Biden pitched his own reelection as a defense of democracy Friday, visiting a historic Revolutionary War site to accuse Republican Donald Trump and his supporters of having “abandoned the truth” about what happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

The president, speaking at a campaign event in Blue Bell, Pa., after touring General George Washington’s headquarters in nearby Valley Forge, focused on the former president and current GOP frontrunner’s proposal to overturn his 2020 election loss by using the Insurrection Act, which could allow deploying military forces on the streets of America. More

In 1923 Hitler and the Nazis attempted to seize control of Germany by attempting to over- throw the government in Bavaria. It didn’t work, but the Nazis made the remembrance of the failure an annual event and propaganda opportunity. Now Biden is trying to take the failed attempt by protestors to halt the certification of the 2020 presidential election into some kind of occasion for those who stole the election. – Dr. Tar

14 Comments on Biden Trying to Make J6 His Own Beer Hall Putsch Remembrance

  1. What a moron. Washington was a rebel, an insurrectionist, who fought against a government that he saw as not only failing to protect its people but was hostile toward them. If George Washington was alive today, He would pick up his walking stick and beat the shit out of Biden until nothing was left.

  2. I am currently reading The Rise And Fall Of the Third Reich by William L Shirer. Joey is no Hitler, he thinks that he is a Hitler wannabe and can justify any of his actions just because he is the President. He can’t fool me, at best he’s a coward and a chickenshit who hides behind his role as President thinking that he knows better than the rest of us just because we foolishly and supposedly elected him as President in 2020. And he ain’t no George Washington either, there is no comparison whatsoever, George Washington was a decent and honorable God-fearing man who put the best interests of the country ahead of his own welfare. Joey doesn’t have any decency or respect for this great nation whose greatest leader was George Washington. For joey to try to get us to believe the whopper that he can be is as great as George Washington is an enormous lie straight from the pits of Hell whose master joey gladly serves in order to destroy America as it was founded. My bullshit meter is way high over my head every time I hear or see anything about this decrepit, delirious old fool whose brain is full of mush trying to con us to believe that he’s a uniter and not a divider. FJB and his whole damn administration!

  3. 3 more long after insurgents arrested, Jonathan Daniel Pollock, Olivia Michele Pollock and Joseph Daniel Hutchinson III were taken into custody early Saturday morning. Hallelujah!

  4. This administration has devolved into an endless stream of Soviet-Style propaganda by constantly pissing on our heads and tell us it’s just raining. They’re more vile and corrupt than the Rooskies they consistently accuse Donald Trump of colluding with! They have no shame, morals, scruples or standards in anything and bring no dignity to the laws of this country or the Constitution that it was founded on. The National Socialist Party is an endless parade of let-downs, put-downs, shut-outs, freeze-outs by a bunch of sell-outs, numb-nuts and no-nuts nimrods who only appeal to border-jumping piñata-spankers and Feta-reeking cab jockeys who would sooner ram their Checker up your hatchback and start shaking chicken bones at you!


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