Biden Tweets – IOTW Report

Biden Tweets

23 Comments on Biden Tweets

  1. So he admits he’s not fit to run.

    Now make them admit he’s currently not fit to be pResident .

    If he has to sleep 16 hours/day, and is able to sit in a chair only from 10 to 4, they why in hell is he propped in the WH??

  2. Joe didn’t write that – another lie.
    Joe probably knows nothing about it (or much of anything else).

    The turnip has outlived Satan’s purposes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I read the official letter the pedo fraud had ghost written for him. Fucker says it was for the good of MY party and THE country.

    Not MY country, THE country.

    Typical Democrat.

    Asshole should be flushed immediately.

    …still, good if late riddence. Guarentees he will NEVER actually be legitimately elected, since he was never elected the FIRST time…

  4. Biden Squeaks. That’s all he’ll be able to do once they stop his Alzheimers meds. He’s worn out his usefulness. Won’t be long now. Just hope his dirt nap doesn’t happen before the election.

  5. If he resigns before the election that means Trump will be running against an incumbent black woman who they have managed to keep fairly well out of sight and out of trouble for the last 3 1/2 years! Ya’ll shoulda left Creepy Brandon Pedo right where he was on the ballot!!!

  6. PHenry
    SUNDAY, 21 JULY 2024, 16:28 AT 4:28 PM
    “We’ll be lucky to survive as a nation until J20.”

    …We’ll be lucky to survive as a nation until November.

  7. He wrote that himself like his wife isn’t acting as president. And what a job she’s done. Now we have another malignant dumb whore running in Biden’s place. (My apologies to genuine whores everywhere, who at least work for a living.)

  8. So we have thebBiden/Clinton/Bush/Cheney forces backing Harris, the Antifa/Bernouts are still pissed from 2020, and it appears Obama may have someone else in mind. The Antifa/Bernouts are not going to get behind Harris. Warren is probable who they want.


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