Biden Voters Throw Him Under The Bus With Huge Trump Prediction – IOTW Report

Biden Voters Throw Him Under The Bus With Huge Trump Prediction

PopulistPress: A surprising number of Americans who voted for President Joe Biden say they agree with a conspiracy theory claiming former President Donald Trump will be “reinstated” as president this year, according to a new poll.

The poll released Wednesday by Morning Consult/Politico found that 14 percent of Biden voters surveyed said it was “very” or “somewhat” likely that Trump would make an inexplicable return to the White House as soon as this year. Twenty-six percent of Trump voters agreed that the former president would likely return to office before Biden’s term is over. MORE

17 Comments on Biden Voters Throw Him Under The Bus With Huge Trump Prediction

  1. Don’t mind doing a refresher on this topic. 😉

    We love you President Trump and you sir are the rightful Commander in Chief.

    We miss ya! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 MAGA

  2. Unfortunately if the dems like their inflation they can keep their inflation. We’re kind of stuck with it now. Printing funny money is nothing new, but they’ve gone into hyper drive greasing their own skids and bank accounts.
    Wild ride ahead.

  3. Got dragged as a “false prophet” by an Anonymous cretin for saying it was possible Pres. Trump could be back in the White House this year.
    Still believe God will do something to cancel Xiden and promote Mr. Trump.
    If the left is paranoid about Mr. Trump taking back his rightful place soon, there must be something to it.

  4. Exodus 7:3-4 says, “But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and though I multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt, he will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and with mighty acts of judgment.

    Just think of the Deep State as Pharaoh. America is not ready yet for God’s salvation, we need to convince more American people of the evil of the communists democrats. This shit will last a while longer.

  5. Idiots. There is NO LEGAL METHOD available to remove Biden and replace him with Trump even though WE ALL KNOW the left STOLE the election. Once the Electoral College voted for Biden and Congress certified that vote the steal became PERMANENT. And everyone whose job it would be to investigate this crime are OWNED BODY AND SOUL by the left. If ‘we the people’ want Biden removed and replaced by Trump we are going to have to sack up, saddle up, step off the porch and REMOVE BIDEN BY FORCE. Somehow I don’t see that happening.

  6. @ Dan AUGUST 14, 2021 AT 2:01 AM

    Thank you Dan! I thought I was going to have to put the words together. It isn’t going to happen, and it shouldn’t happen.

    Keep the pressure on and get the voter integrity laws passed wherever possible and take back congress.

    Also, fuck you Deb Fischer.

  7. Not too quickly, maybe? If we can hold out for another year and a half, then Trump could still run again and serve another four years on top of finishing out Joke Biden’s last two!

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