Biden Vows To Mobilize Truinanashabadepresure Once He’s In Office – IOTW Report

Biden Vows To Mobilize Truinanashabadepresure Once He’s In Office

Gateway Pundit

Former Vice President Joe Biden has the internet collectively scratching their heads after announcing that he will “lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure.”

The hilarious gaffe came during a campaign stop earlier this week, but began making the social media rounds on Friday afternoon. More

45 Comments on Biden Vows To Mobilize Truinanashabadepresure Once He’s In Office

  1. “This guy speaks Biden’s language.”

    Lol, Dr. Tar. My father used to do stuff like that. The family once went out to a fancy dinner and I brought a date, a very nice, mannerly young man. He was seated next to my father, who turned to him and started rapid fire telling him a story about a dog who was “bossing the cridge over the pill mond with a harge lunk of boast reef in his mipping drouth”.

    The poor guy leaned in to try to make some sense of what my father was talking about, with a polite, bland look on his face, unsure if it was my father or himself who was having difficulty. That was my father’s form of hazing for non family members.

    The teacher said, “Let’s begin by reviewing some American history. Who said: ‘Give me Liberty, or give me Death’?”
    She saw a sea of blank faces, except for little Akio, a bright foreign exchange student from Japan, who had his hand up: “Patrick Henry, 1775.” he said.
    “Very good.” said the teacher. Now, who said: ‘Government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth’?”
    Again, no response except from Little Akio: “Abraham Lincoln, 1863.”
    “Excellent!” said the teacher, continuing. “Let’s try one a bit
    more difficult. Who said, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?”
    Once again, Akio’s was the only hand in the air, and he said: “John F. Kennedy, 1961.”
    The teacher snapped at the class, “Class, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Little Akio isn’t even from this country, and he knows more about our history than you do.”
    She heard a loud whisper: “Screw the Japs.”
    “Who said that? I want to know right now!” …she angrily demanded.
    Little Akio put his hand up, “General MacArthur, 1945.”
    At that point, a student in the back said, “I’m gonna puke.
    “The teacher glares around and asks, “All right! Now who said that?”
    Again, Little Akio says, “George Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991.”
    Now furious, another student yells, “Oh yeah? Suck this!”
    Little Akio jumps out of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher, “Bill Clinton to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!”
    Now with almost mob hysteria someone said, “You little jackass! If you say anything else, I’ll kill you!”
    Little Akio frantically yells at the top of his voice, “Michael Jackson to the children testifying against him, 2004.”
    The teacher fainted.
    As the class gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone said, “Oh crap, we’re screwed!”
    Little Akio said quietly, “The American public if Joe Biden gets elected.”

  3. Looks more and more like Joe had his Doctor, then lost his Doctor. Now he’s being treated by nursing assistants, but he doesn’t care, because he was able to round up a batch of Candystripers.

  4. I was undecided, but what Biden said really touched my heart.

    I’m gonna drive down across the boarder, enter the USA, and vote for Joe.

    Incidentally, do any of you Conservative know how to vote illegally of is that just the other side?

  5. Joe, Barack called. He suggests that a strongly-worded letter will do the trick for whatever you’re talking about.


    (Joe’s under enormous international pressure.)

  6. I was just looking through some old Biden history, you know before he became Senator. I discovered that none other than Hee Haw great, Archie Campbell was Joe’s speech therapist and gave him the whole “The Kings Speech” treatment to help the man from Delaware get over his stutter.

    I even found an example of Archie’s speech exercise to help go become the speaker he is today.

  7. Arnold Ziffle the pig on Green Acres was smarter and more coherent than joey is. So was Hank Kimble the County extension agent and Mr. Haney was more honest than joey even though he was always trying to pull a fast one on Mr. Douglas and everyone else.

  8. geoff the aardvark, you sound like a Green Acres aficionado. That was an underrated show. El Presidente, Arnold the Pig Lawyer, Lisa cooking, etc. that was good stuff. What was his tractor, Hoyt Clagwell?

  9. MY dads favorite programs on TV were Green Acres, Get Smart and Gunsmoke. He would laugh himself silly watching Green Acres especially Pat Buttram playing Mr. Haney. He also liked Hee Haw which I even liked as well for all the corny jokes. And Jack Benny and Red Skelton for comedy variety shows were much watched at our house as well as You Bet Your Life with Groucho Marx.


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