Biden Wants To Shut Down Another Pipeline While Energy Secretary Says Americans Should Brace For Soaring Energy Costs This Winter – IOTW Report

Biden Wants To Shut Down Another Pipeline While Energy Secretary Says Americans Should Brace For Soaring Energy Costs This Winter

Impeach this MFer. He is doing the far left’s bidding by intentionally wrecking this country.

There was a time when Manson said he wanted a race war so the country would go up in smoke, and he and his people would emerge from the ashes in sole power. Manson was thought of as a loon, but his ideas were not dissimilar from the far left’s at the time. They all wanted division, chaos, anarchy, violence, destruction, oh, and peace (LOL) and ecology (LOL)… sound familiar?

That does not get taught in schools, but CRT does.


  • President Joe Biden’s Administration is considering shutting down the Line 5 oil pipeline that links Superior, Wisconsin with Sarnia, Ontario, sources report
  • A group of Republican lawmakers issued a letter to Biden on Thursday urging him to keep the line in operation
  • They argued termination would exacerbate fuel shortages and increase prices
  • The lawmakers cited concerns over energy prices as midwesterners enter into the winter season
  • However, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm alleged that fuel prices are going to skyrocket this winter anyway
  • Meanwhile, Michigan’s 12 federally recognized tribes also called on Biden last week asking him to move forward with the shutdown
  • The Biden Administration has yet to make a decision about Line 5’s operation

In a letter dated Thursday, 13 Congress members – led by Ohio Rep. Bob Latta – urged the president to keep the oil line in operation, saying: ‘Line 5 is essential to the lifeblood of the Midwest.’ 

‘Should this pipeline be shut down, tens of thousands of jobs would be lost across Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and the region; billions of dollars in economic activity would be in jeopardy; and the environment would be at greater risk due to additional trucks operating on roadways and railroads carrying hazardous materials,’ the legislators wrote.

‘Furthermore, as we enter the winter months and temperatures drop across the Midwest, the termination of Line 5 will undoubtedly further exacerbate shortages and price increases in home heating fuels like natural gas and propane at a time when Americans are already facing rapidly rising energy prices, steep home heating costs, global supply shortages, and skyrocketing gas prices.’ 

Line 5 is part of a network that moves crude oil and other petroleum products from western Canada to Escanaba, Michigan and transports approximately 540,000 barrels each day. 

Biden told the COP26 conference in Glasgow this weekend that the U.S. will become world leaders in the climate change fight. He is fighting to close pipelines, setting up a conflict between Indigenous groups and environmentalists who want to block them and Republicans trying to stop a further spike in energy prices. 


24 Comments on Biden Wants To Shut Down Another Pipeline While Energy Secretary Says Americans Should Brace For Soaring Energy Costs This Winter

  1. just pause for a second and realize the amount of blackmail material they have on this guy
    he’ll do what ever they tell him to
    he doesn’t want to go down in history as the piece of shit that he really is
    actually jill doesn’t want that, he isn’t aware enough

  2. It’s going to depend a lot on what our neighbors to the north have to say on it. When Michigan tried to stop Canadian trash from being sent to our landfills it was blocked by the courts due to international commerce laws and treaties between the two federal governments. The pipeline has the same standing I believe.

  3. Move some COVID infested unvetted Afghani immigrants into the affected areas. That way this FJB and this GWC* wouldnt dare cut back on gas and oil

    *(Gretchen Whitmer Cunt)

  4. Brad
    NOVEMBER 8, 2021 AT 12:10 PM
    “Sounds like next spring we’ll have a lot of poor cold people voting Conservative.”

    I don’t GET cold, so I don’t care, and I get the final say.

    DNC for me, and for you too!


  5. Meanwhile, Michigan’s 12 federally recognized tribes also called on Biden last week asking him to move forward with the shutdown.

    These assholes like paying through the nose for fuel?

  6. Im willing to wager the Indian tribes were “persuaded” to come out against the pipeline all of the sudden based on generous donations from fringe lunatic leftist groups. With today’s identity politics, what better way to have spineless R’s back off from going ballistic on this nutty idea.

  7. The enemies of America such as Brandiden isn’t satisfied with attacking Americans with a biwepon, forced isolation, forced masking, forced vaxx, shuttering small businesses, threatening us with fear mongers, a supply stall, starvation….now the spiteful and vindictive pedo wants to freeze us out. Keep in mind that his immense and impotent ego is highly spiteful against those who refuse to bow the knee to his pedo self.


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