Biden: ‘We Should Unionize McDonald’s’ – IOTW Report

Biden: ‘We Should Unionize McDonald’s’

Breitbart: Former Vice President Joe Biden pledged his support to unionize the fast food giant McDonald’s on Thursday, claiming it was a vital step to correct power imbalances in the American economy.

Biden, who often touts himself as a “union man” on the campaign trail, made the promise while speaking at a rally organized by the progressive organization Fight for 15 in Los Angeles, California. During his remarks, which came only hours before the Democrat presidential primary debate, the former vice president channeled his more progressive rivals when stating that fight for $15-an-hour was about more than economics.

“It’s not just the numbers, and by the way there’s been a war on fast food workers for a long, long time,” the former vice president said, before lambasting companies like Chuck E. Cheese that require their workers to sign non-compete agreements.

“It’s all about depressing the wages for working people,” Biden said. “Folks, look we’re in a situation now where we find ourselves in a position, where you are the victims of power, a significant amount of power.” more here

29 Comments on Biden: ‘We Should Unionize McDonald’s’

  1. “It’s not just the numbers, and by the way there’s been a war on fast food workers for a long, long time,” … oh the humanity. How many burger flippers must die before it all ends?

  2. It used to be that a job at McD’s was a first job for teenagers. Now, after 60 years of democrat rule, it has become a job for illegal immigrants with 15 kids and college graduates with a master’s degree in queer philosophy. It will soon be a job for robots.


    ….seriously, I was there when UFCW tried to unionize our low-skilled, low-English, soft-brained transient work force, running around wearing their “Obama” shirts and promising hooey.

    They’re lucky they didn’t get EATEN.

    Also, the Company made it pretty clear that, if we voted Union on Tuesday, they’d be planning to move in Wednesday. Not an idle threat, either, we were only HERE because they moved away from their LAST union.

    …BUT, it DID inspire the Company to push some automation initiatives.

    So, at the end of the day, no union, and less jobs for having SCARED them.

    …and you want to take on a well-capitalized Company like McDs?

    Good luck with THAT…

    …I’ve never been in a union myself, outside of a breif flirtation with IAFF, but I’ve worked with many who DID…and that’s past tense because they just lost everyone their jobs.

    …even folks I know who work at Ford and GM, and are UAW repped say the unions don’t do anything POSITIVE, barter away their grievances so idiots can keep THEIR jobs, and make the workplace absurd by saying things like you can’t empty your own garbage or you have to let a broken paint line run wild for 10 minutes until a Union pipefitter shows up to turn the very obvious and unlocked ball valve off.

    Meanwhile, they take dues, ignore you in their strategizing, tell you when you can work and when to strike, and ALWAYS support Democrats with dues money no matter WHAT the rank and file says.

    Seems like it’s just another layer of management at the end of the day.


    …but by all means, go ahead and TRY. I’m all FOR you trying.

    …but then, my specialities are Automation Integration and Robotics.

    …you’ll just make ME much more valuable, so thanks…

  4. If they do that… maybe the robots will be able to get my order right.

    the human workers have NEVER gotten my order 100% correct the first time. NEVER. not in 40 years. they can’t do it.

    their record is 5 trys before i asked for my money back.

  5. I pretty much expect to drop a 10 spot any time I go for fast food. I can go to a grocery store and buy food for the whole day for that or a pound of burger and a pack of buns for less than $10. And the burgers will taste better. He’ll price fast food out of business and then blame it on the cheapskate (sensible) consumers.

  6. “It’s all about depressing the wages for working people,” Biden said.”

    If somehow we could depress wages for worthless scum politicians, maybe McDucks would pay their workers a little bit more. Notice that these dirtbags never propose cutting taxes as a way of putting more money in workers pockets.

  7. I’m not an economic expert by any means, but why would food prices go up? Couldn’t they just give them 15 bucks an hour and drastically reduce their hours? Again, not the brightest bulb in the pack, here. Someone educate me.

  8. ^^^ It costs money to hire somebody, @Chuckie, and the money you pay them is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s training cause they’re useless until trained, and that offlines your trainer, too. There’s uniforms, there’s benefits, there’s paid holidays and vacations, there’s office expenses in tracking and collecting taxes, drug testing, background and reference checking, documenting training in everything from line work to spill training and CPR (better have SOMEONE know the Heimlich Maneuver in your restaurant, and you have to offer EVERYONE the same training) coordinating schedules with people who likely have a second job somewhere else, double the day care concerns…just double EVERYTHING.

    ..the Government makes it WAY harder than just PAYING a guy. And you’re gonna need an army of clerks to track your unnecessarily supersized work force.

    And an army of recruiters to constantly replace people who want to work more than 4 hours a day.

    Thanks, Democrats, you’ve helped NO one but YOURSELVES…

  9. Gotta be amazed by Joe’s and the democrat leftist consistency. They can be relied on to come up with a bad idea, then after it’s pointed out the idea sucks, they dependably press on to promoting even worse ideas. They’re pretty fond of communist central planning control, too. The old leadership of the USSR, Chicoms, and other communists socialist hacks are, no doubt, big fans.

  10. DTim, SNS…thanks! Lots of behind the scene stuff I wasn’t aware of. Also, didn’t realize most restaurants have slim profit margins – would have thought it would be the opposite. You learn something new everyday…why I love this site…a lot of intelligent people.

  11. You know what happens after those robots enter the scene and people lose their jobs? Oh by golly the restaurants have got to pay taxes on those robots every hour, it’s only fair. How else is the government going get the lost taxes the employees/employers were paying? Just like electric cars not paying road taxes, ain’t going to happen free.

  12. Shang Kwon DECEMBER 21, 2019 AT 9:28 PM

    I’ll stay home and make me a sammich.

    Yeah, but do you make it wrong, spit in it when you’re not looking, then laugh at yourself when you eat it?


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