Biden will observe 9/11 anniversary in Alaska – IOTW Report

Biden will observe 9/11 anniversary in Alaska

JTN: President Joe Biden will spend the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks at an observance in Alaska, the White House has announced.

Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff will participate in a memorial at the National September 11 Memorial in New York City while first lady Jill Biden will partake in a ceremony at the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial in Arlington, Fox News reported.

The 2023 observances will mark the first instance in which the commander-in-chief will not participate in events at either the White House or one of the three attack sites, according to the outlet. MORE

33 Comments on Biden will observe 9/11 anniversary in Alaska

  1. Didn’t Eskimos used to expose the elderly to the elements so they wouldn’t burden the tribe?

    Not usually a fan of that, but I think Pedo Joe should be made to personally observe this revered indigenous tradion.

  2. TN Tuxedo AT 12:50 PM
    “So, what are they going to make happen on that day that’s so bad he can’t be on the mainland when it happens?”

    …but any mainland calamity will consume Jill and Kamala and her cuckold husb…ohhh, yeah, I see where there’s some cause for concern.

    …OTOH, maybe they are putting The Pedophile somewhere that they can nuke (and blame on Russia) without blowing up the crap they want to keep.

    …the gate swings both ways there.

    And the “We Need War With Russia” thing has Tucker make a compelling case…

    …so Pedo goes and a war dictatorship can commence.

    Perhaps Pedo should be the one to worry, but I’m sure he’s too arrogant and demented to even consider it…

  3. That is assuming The Party doesn’t find his continued existence more liability than asset before 9/11. They have already signaled that they are shopping for a replacement figure head. Once they have solved that problem he either resigns “for health reasons” and disappears into his basement or they will liquidate the worthless fucker.

  4. Smoke Outlook for Aug. 7-8 – Alaska Wildland Fire Information
    Biden will recall and tell Alaska Audiences about how his son Beau lost his life in a forest fire in IRAQ.
    And Joe himself saw a tree burn in Delaware after he was designated the smartest law student ever in the US.

  5. “deadliest terrorist act in human history”
    Best CGI to date. Demo 3 building that were due for abatement, make a shit load of money, blame someone else.
    Bush and Bin Laden were both members of the Carlyle Group.

  6. So satisfying to have that weak,cowardly pedophile piece of shit as far from the real heros as possible, and all because his own treasonous actions made it politically unviable for him to be there.

    How ironic that what that syphilltic turd thought would be his crowing political achievement turned into his pilitucal undoing.

    I’m sure Commieliar will cover them in glory with her usual infantile imbecilic musing.

    God help us all, how far this great and glorious nation gas fallen…

  7. Jimmy Carter got to live long enough to see two freaks replace him as
    the WORST PRESIDENT EVER. I thought Obama had it locked up but Biden blows
    them all away. Disgraceful POS.

  8. Cisco Kid AT 2:36 PM
    “So satisfying to have that weak,cowardly pedophile piece of shit as far from the real heros as possible…”

    …no, he could be further away still.

    In hell.

    …THEN he’ll be as far from heroes as he should be.

  9. …I’m surprised Pedo doesn’t tell a story about how a bird hit his house window once when he wasn’t there but his Corvette was, so he can tell 9/11 familes that he’s JUST like them, for an hour that he never once lets them talk about their OWN losses.

    Then he sniffs the nearest child and shits himself.


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