Biden Would Choose Mooch As Running Mate – IOTW Report

Biden Would Choose Mooch As Running Mate


Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, said he would undoubtedly select former first lady Michelle Obama to be his running mate, though he admitted she likely does not want to jump back into politics anytime soon.

“I’d take her in a heartbeat,” Biden said in a Monday interview with CBS Pittsburgh when asked if he would add Obama to the ticket. “She’s brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends.” More

21 Comments on Biden Would Choose Mooch As Running Mate

  1. Good god she’ll screw all our food choices if she’s given that position. She would have me eating so much fiber and roughage you’ll probably be able to milk me.

  2. @MHA – I actually said it might be Jill as well (on other iOTW thread), but I was quite serious as to why.

    You half joking or FULL joking??

    My point is Jill ain’t Moosh, but she IS Obamaesque (was there for the whooole thing)…what better way for the Deep State to cover their BIG asses! SHould they win that is…

  3. ROTFLOL Over and over!!!
    Biden’s got no balls and Michael does, ooops I meant Michelle.

    Look I made the exact same mistake Barry did.
    Wait, was it a mistake?

    Joan Rivers didn’t kill herself.

  4. I’m all for this brilliant match. Mooch would remind every Trump supporter in America why they voted against President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton, since she was going to give us four or eight more years of Obammy. Sadly, it won’t happen though. The Osmidgens aren’t about to have Dementia Joe performing a golden shower in their swimming pool on Martha’s Vinyard.

  5. “…she likely does not want to jump back into politics anytime soon.”

    Except she’s never been in politics. Being First Lady is not politics. She less qualified for the Vice Presidency than Joe Biden is for the Presidency.

    But I haven’t figured out why Joe WANTS to be President, let alone analyze if Michelle Obama would WANT to be Vice President.

    What do you think, Mrs. Clinton?

  6. @ Hoo Hoo
    Not sure I trust anything VJ has to say? Or is that you what you were saying?
    They need what ever they intend to do to stay under wraps as long as possible to stop any plan to put the boots to the next communist they come up with.

  7. Just like Biden was a useless VP fool for the O-Butt-Hole; so too Mooch would be a waste of human skin VP choice for Biden.

    Really, it is simply a shameless attempt to get the O-Butt-Hole usurper back into the White House since Biden is so pathetic as a candidate.


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