Biden Years Ago Versus Trump- Who is Authentic? – IOTW Report

Biden Years Ago Versus Trump- Who is Authentic?

6 Comments on Biden Years Ago Versus Trump- Who is Authentic?

  1. Just like he plagiarized his way thru college to graduate at the bottom of his class, this disingenuous dipship plagiarized (stole) his way thru life in politics. He never had the brains to generate an original thought or the fortitude and character to be anything but a Wet-Finger follower!

    Oh yeah… and JD’s right. He’s been a piece of shit his entire life!

  2. Loco – Yup!
    First and foremost Jackass Joe is a member of the democRAT party, the same party that wanted to keep Black people as slaves and the same party of the KKK not to mention being Close Personal Friends with Robert Byrd (Grand Keegalshyster, or whut ever he was). I’m sure they traded many so-called “Colored” jokes at the bar! Now that his brain hopped on the Nope Train to Fuckthatville the “Black” soul of this jackass oozes out from time to time for everyone to see!


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