11 Comments on ‘BIDENOMICS!’

  1. While President Trump was running for office were assured by the MSM that if elected, President Trump would run our economy into numbers like we see today. And those numbers were horrible. Funny how those numbers under Biden are not a problem…

  2. We aren’t going to have a recession because they keep changing a recession. Their current definition is “when a Republican is President.” Their definition of a booming economy is “when a Democrat is President.”

    And the beatings will continue until morale improves.

  3. Bidenomics, make everything 100% worse. Pause long enough for the adults in Red states to make things 20% less shitty.

    Claim credit for the improvement, ignore rhe fact that 80% is still shitty.

    Another example, steal half of everyone’s doughnut, claim credit for the calories you stole, then remind the victim they still have half a doughnut thanks to you.

  4. The fact that they are running him again, means it doesn’t matter who sits in the chair.
    Just imagine what Trump could have done it not lied to and fighting an uphill battle every day.
    As for gas prices, don’t forget they spiked in 2008 and 2012. Crashed the housing market in 2008. Gave away $Tillions in TARP funds, of which $Tillions was never paid back.

    Click on the the right column “Net Outstanding”.
    It was just a money give-away.

  5. I started calling it Bidenomics when I lost 30% of my investments and all of the life sustaining commodities went up 20%+ about November of 2021…..I’m sure he doesn’t appreciate the irony in his statements…..He’s always been a plagiarist….


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