Biden’s $2 Trillion Clean Energy Plan Includes Banning Gasoline Powered Cars – IOTW Report

Biden’s $2 Trillion Clean Energy Plan Includes Banning Gasoline Powered Cars

Deneen Borelli: Former Vice President Joe Biden wants to ban gasoline-powered cars if he becomes president.

Biden is taking elements of the Green New Deal very seriously and his pledge on cars is an example.

The ban on gasoline-powered cars can be found in his energy policy, “9 Key Elements of Joe Biden’s Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution.”

First on Biden’s list is a crackdown on carbon dioxide emissions including, “developing rigorous new fuel economy standards aimed at ensuring 100% of new sales for light- and medium-duty vehicles will be zero emissions.”

Zero emissions translates to the end of gasoline and diesel-powered motor vehicles.

Also included is a plan to cut methane emissions from existing and future oil and natural gas extraction operations.

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11 Comments on Biden’s $2 Trillion Clean Energy Plan Includes Banning Gasoline Powered Cars

  1. He has no clue as to what he is saying. He might as well have a computer chip implanted in his skull thinking and speaking for him. All his brain can process is “Must..Get..Elected…”

  2. My turbo charged 300 HP 1995 Nissan D21 #850 design
    hardbody mini pick-up has all the pollution crap
    stripped off.EGR curcuit totally removed and the
    BS evap system.All surgically removed.No cat converter
    or muffler,just a 3″ stainless short pipe.
    Now you sick greedy criminal child toucher Joke
    Biden you F-off and eat PooPoo.
    Passes TX state inspect cause it is over 25 years old.

  3. Any Democrat driving with a Biden bumper sticker should have their vehicle seized. This includes electric vehicles because the electricity fairy/unicorn did not recharge them…a coal power plant did so.


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