Biden’s Campaign Team Distances Itself From Klobuchar: ‘We Need To Avoid Her’ – IOTW Report

Biden’s Campaign Team Distances Itself From Klobuchar: ‘We Need To Avoid Her’

RedState: Welp, as if we didn’t need any more indications showing that Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) won’t be Former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate, his campaign all but confirmed that she is out of the running. The Daily Beast spoke with members of Biden’s team, who indicated that the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer might have sealed her fate.

Since dropping out of the Democratic primary race earlier this year, the senator has been vying for the VP spot, acting as a surrogate for Biden’s campaign. But now, with the unrest over Floyd’s killing, her record as the state’s former top prosecutor has come under renewed scrutiny.

According to The Daily Beast, one of Biden’s campaign advisors stated that Klobuchar’s decline is “vertiginous.” In fact, the senator’s chances of being chosen decreased so sharply that Dr. Jill Biden, the former vice president’s wife, canceled a digital event with Klobuchar and coronavirus first-responders. A source on Biden’s team said that this decision was made “partly because we need to avoid her.” Ouch.

12 Comments on Biden’s Campaign Team Distances Itself From Klobuchar: ‘We Need To Avoid Her’

  1. Larry,

    Whitmer would actually be a pretty good choice.

    She’e immensely popular among the people of her State and that should spread nationally as she becomes more well known outside of it.

    And she’s a woman which makes her a favored minority.

    If only she were also a Black or other minority as well she would be perfect.

  2. Nope, nobody gets the precious but the Lizard Queen..3rd times the charm for Hillezelbub…

    Joe gives no shits about anything he says or does, he knows he is a placeholder for the High Priestess of Satan.

  3. The political version of social distancing. Biden’s team is afraid that he’ll catch whatever she has but are too stupid to realize he’s already in stage 4.


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