Biden’s Casual Racism and Dementia – IOTW Report

Biden’s Casual Racism and Dementia

Townhall- At some point you almost have to feel bad for the people who work for Joe Biden. Every single day, they go to work not know what they’re going to have to clean up today; what mess he’s going to create, or what stupid thing is going to come out of his mouth. Or whether or not what comes out of his mouth is even words at all. Then you realize those people are enabling this senile old fool in his quest to destroy the country and whatever thought you’d had to feel badly is replaced with contempt.

I’ve known lot of people who could, at any given moment, say something for which a lot of clean up would be necessary. Some were friends, others colleagues, and still some bosses. 

The friends “having a Biden moment” would just cause a rolling of the eyes, creating wonder over how someone seemingly intelligent could have a moment of abject stupidity, in public no less. All you can do in that situation is laugh and hope to be free of the splatter range should the stupidity lead to any drink being thrown. 

If they were colleague, the eye roll remains and is coupled with a sense of amazement that someone, unusually highly educated and accomplished, could be so obtuse on occasion. 

When they were my boss, my heart started racing a bit every time they’d approach a microphone or reporter…or constituent. While I wasn’t responsible for cleaning up after my friends or co-workers, it is your job (sometimes) to clean up after your boss.  read here

13 Comments on Biden’s Casual Racism and Dementia

  1. Every single day, they go to work not know what they’re going to have to clean up today; what mess he’s going to create, or what stupid thing is going to come out of his mouth.

    I dunno, we’re paying them to babysit him. The whole cabinet needs to be cleaned out and put into the garbage can. That group has demoralized the nation and beyond. What demented Joe did with a sweep of a pen, has sent America spinning. We will never recover from this disaster.

  2. “At some point you almost have to feel bad for the people who work for Joe Biden.”

    Never. But I’ll cheer when one of his staff finally has enough courage to smash his head with a mallet.

  3. “Every single day, they go to work not know what they’re going to have to clean up today; what mess he’s going to create…”

    No, they may not no specifically, but they must know it will be messier and stink worse than a pile of used fish vindaloo.

  4. I reject the premise in its entirety.

    99.9% of the people working for this usurpation know exactly what they face every day, and they’re good with it. It’s the pact they made with the devil and the pay is great, besides. The .01% may have regrets, but we’ll never hear about them.

    See, this is why conservative writers — and conservatives, generally — will never fathom the new Democrat Left; they start from the premise the Left is animated by the same moral underpinnings as conservatives or that at the very least, being human, we have that shared experience. Not so. Just watch Jen Psaki at the podium. She could have been a spokesperson for Jim Jones and The Peoples Temple. That’s how much she believes in her boss.

  5. “At some point you almost have to feel bad for the people who work for Joe Biden.”

    You obviously don’t know me. I will never feel the least bit bad for fucking worthless pieces of shit hangers on who attach themselves to shitbag politicians or any other malicious, maladjusted piece of shit. Fact of the matter, if it were up to me I would separate them off from the rest of the world and cage them all together and enjoy watching them suffer.


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