Biden’s dog Major has another biting incident – IOTW Report

Biden’s dog Major has another biting incident

May be the first dog to be put down in the White House since Monica Lewinsky.


The Bidens’ dog Major has been involved in another biting incident that required medical attention, two people with knowledge of the incident tell CNN. The incident, which involved a National Park Service employee, took place on the White House South Lawn on Monday afternoon. The employee was working at the time and needed to stop in order to receive treatment from the White House medical unit. more

28 Comments on Biden’s dog Major has another biting incident

  1. Dogs tend to reflect the owners personality in my experience. Joey snaps at people all the time…………………..maybe Major can just challenge people to push-ups….

  2. Why would a guy that was already frail and aging quickly adopt a puppy let alone a large male puppy a breed that likely would be upwards of 60-90 lbs in 2018. Pretty much another indication of the many of horrible judgement. I feel sorry for the dog ending up with this depraved lunatic family.

  3. People don’t understand the proper commands that Joe taught the dog.
    smatherplatepus means ‘sit’.
    jubledilotrap means ‘stay’.
    mumblethropadump means ‘outside’?
    So the dog is just frustrated with the English language.

  4. Remember a couple months ago these silly bastards were talking about adopting a cat into this happy family. What a bunch of idiots…everybody I know sums up the situation by saying “I fear for our country”.

  5. Unfortunate for the dog that he can spot bad people that need to be bitten.

    He’s surrounded by them all day.

    Good boy, but he’s in lefty world where everything is upside down.

    Isa:5:20: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    This perfectly describes the lefty principles and logic they are foisting on the rest of us. And will be the death of a good dog.

  6. With all the money Pedo Joe made off the Chinese you’d think they’d hire someone to take care of the dogs at their Delaware home.
    Hmmmmm….lawsuits? Payoffs?
    Complain to Dept of Labor about a hostile workplace?


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