Biden’s Earpiece – IOTW Report

Biden’s Earpiece

Dispirin on Twitter reenacted what Biden must have been hearing through his earpiece yesterday during commencement proceedings at the Air Force Academy. We can laugh now because the idiot didn’t actually hurt himself yesterday in his fall. Here

More reactions from Twitter users yesterday. Here

20 Comments on Biden’s Earpiece

  1. It looked like that one poor Air Force cadet on the right was trying to stifle a laugh when joey fell. When are they going to encase joey in a giant plastic see thru hamster bubble to keep him from tripping over his own clumsy feet?

  2. The fucking hop head idiot is stoned out… again. Anyone who has had a relative who would show up at a family event, generally a funeral for a relative they expected to inherit something from, in that condition recognizes it immediately. The stiffness in his gait is a dead giveaway.

    He’s fucking juiced on some kind of go fast. We had a fiend working in the next warehouse and when they showed up all coked up like that you knew that if they took off their sunglasses their pupils would be as big as saucers.

  3. “We can laugh now because the idiot didn’t actually hurt himself …”
    Meaning what, exactly?
    I laugh at the fucking Retarded Pedophile every fucking day!
    If he broke his Retarded Pedophilic neck I would guffaw out loud out in the yard.

    Fuck Joe Biden. No sympathy. That treasonous filth is ruining this country for his own (and others’) personal gain. The day Satan gets him should be made into a public holiday.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Tim – FJB You don’t think I loath all that is Biden? I also don’t want to give an inch to the left to generate sympathy for him either. That’s how much I dislike Biden and the left.

  5. Old Joe was trying to break into his nearly 81 yr. old trot to show his physical prowess.

    Give up the ghost Joe. It ain’t comin’ back, like your ability to make sense when you speak.

  6. Walpurgis
    AT 12:07 PM
    “Side note. When an elderly person falls, you don’t just haul them up like a sack of potatoes.”

    You do if you don’t care about them.

    And in Pedo’s case, I suspect no one does.

  7. Those cadets do not deserve to be humiliated by being in the presence of such a fraudulent, unaccomplished embarrassment. Rotten and corrupt to the core, Biden is a disgrace to the nation. As time rolls along we’re going to find out just how much of a traitor he is.

  8. Not too far from the AF Academy is a beautiful place called Seven Falls, seven cascading waterfalls . He should’ve been offered a guided tour -the old 4F bustard .


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