Biden’s FCC Head Nominee Withdraws – IOTW Report

Biden’s FCC Head Nominee Withdraws


Gigi Sohn has withdrawn her nomination to serve on the Federal Communications Commission, as first reported by The Washington Post Tuesday.

Sohn, a former FCC official and longtime public interest advocate, was nominated as a third Democratic commissioner by President Joe Biden in October 2021. But over the last 16 months, a brutal and oftentimes bad-faith lobbying campaign has continued to block her nomination. That’s left the FCC with a 2–2 partisan split that has blocked many of Biden’s goals for the agency, including reinstating net neutrality rules.

“I could not have imagined that legions of cable and media industry lobbyists, their bought-and-paid-for surrogates, and dark money political groups with bottomless pockets would distort my over 30-year history as a consumer advocate into an absurd caricature of blatant lies,” Sohn said in a statement to The Verge on Tuesday. “The unrelenting, dishonest and cruel attacks on my character and my career as an advocate for the public interest have taken an enormous toll on me and my family.”

Sohn’s decision to drop out of consideration comes less than a month after the Senate Commerce Committee held a third confirmation hearing debating her nomination. Throughout the hearing, Republicans echoed many of the same attacks volleyed by Sohn’s critics, calling her an “extremist” and a threat to free speech.


19 Comments on Biden’s FCC Head Nominee Withdraws

  1. My gaydar pegged when I saw that picture so I googles it. Yup, she’s got a wife…

    Why does the current administration consist of nothing but fags, freaks miscreants?

  2. There are lots more where she came from. How hard do you think it is to find a black transexual Muslim genderfluid Women’s studies major from Wellesley who uses the pronoun,”Fuck the Patriarchy”, who hates free speech and wants a do-nothing job where she can stick it to white men?

    The line starts around the corner.

  3. And to hell with “The Verge”.

    From “The Daily Signal”:

    “Even by Washington’s appallingly low ethics standards, Gigi Sohn gives “pay to play” a bad name—even though she would surely deny that was, for all practical purposes, what she was doing.”

    “At a hearing of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee last week, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, called out President Joe Biden’s nominee to the Federal Communications Commission for giving thousands of dollars in campaign contributions to a dozen Democratic senators—at least one of them a member of the very committee weighing her nomination over the past 15 months.”

    First two paragraphs. Again, screw “The Verge” and its whining.

  4. Still not as Ugly as Rachel Levine, but more masculine than that bald chick who steals clothes from the airport.

    Politics in Canuckistan is so Boring compared to Dr. Jill’s pResidency and Barky’s 3rd term.

  5. The FedGov is thoroughly infested with perverts, idiots, and traitors whose intent is to destroy this great nation.
    This creature’s been at it for 30 YEARS!
    And this is just one out of many – millions, in fact.
    The FedGov is a bloated, overloaded lifeboat for all the inept, incompetent, perverted, dangerously lazy, and traitorous bastards in America and beyond.

    This bloat started prior to WWII with the “New Deal” and has expanded ever since.

    The new, improved “Uncle Sam” should be either Michael Moore or Fat Bastard (in drag).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Ever notice how non-photogenic his nominees and placements are? Put a paper bag over their heads! I’ve never seen a more uglier group of people as the Biden administration. Even his dog is ugly.


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