Biden’s First Year Took Two Years Off Life Expectancy – IOTW Report

Biden’s First Year Took Two Years Off Life Expectancy

The Hill

Life expectancy in the U.S. dropped by almost two years last year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, representing the biggest single-year decline in more than 75 years, according to finalized statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Mortality data released by the National Center for Health Statistics calculated the life expectancy in 2020 at 77 years — a 1.8-year decrease from 2019.

COVID-19 ranked as the third leading cause of death with more than 350,000 fatalities, behind heart disease and cancer deaths, which both surpassed 600,000. More

Question, how much were the vaccines contributing factors to “heart disease” and “cancer deaths”? – Dr. Tar

8 Comments on Biden’s First Year Took Two Years Off Life Expectancy

  1. I suspect that the numbers / categories here have been falsified just like everything else the last couple of years. According to the CDC, heart disease and cancer deaths in 2019 were over 600,000, so by the newly reported numbers there is little if any difference. Yet obviously, a lot of people have died at younger ages in order for the average life expectancy to decrease by almost 2 years.

    We know that the vast majority of people killed by / with the china virus were elderly with most being more than 70 years old or older. So it doesn’t make sense that life expectancy dropped so drastically just from COVID. But there are hundreds of thousands of “excess deaths” from all causes in the last 2 years.

    I thin it is prudent to question how much the vaccines play into this Dr. Tar. But the stats are so skewed and misleading that I thing they are trying to hide the deaths by vaccine in the stats. As Mark Twain (among others) noted, there are three kinds of lies; lies, damned lies and statistics.

  2. They drastically overinflated the deaths FROM covid… and drastically under-reported the “vaccine” deaths.

    They died of heart failure, or Vietnamese Rickets, or whatever bullshit they can tell the masses. And sadly most of these motherfuckers believe it.

  3. It’s late 2021… and you didn’t have china flu? Come on. You had chink flu.

    And then you got a shot and died. “IT WASN’T THE SHOT!”

    Yo, Bro, it was the shot.

  4. “We’re going to punish our enemies and reward our friends”. barry soetero
    First lie by the First Liar – they’re punishing everyone, presumably so they don’t miss any of those deserving of punishment.
    That’s how corrupt .gov works.


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