Biden’s Former COVID Czar Declares We’ll Need To Sacrifice More When The Next Pandemic Hits – IOTW Report

Biden’s Former COVID Czar Declares We’ll Need To Sacrifice More When The Next Pandemic Hits

Red State

Andy Slavitt was Joe Biden’s senior adviser to the COVID response team. He just stepped down from the position last week and now has a new book he’s hawking on all the networks, “Preventable: The Inside Story of How Leadership Failures, Politics, and Selfishness Doomed the U.S. Coronavirus Response.”

What a coincidence, I’m sure that his leaving isn’t at all timed to coincide with the book coming out. Did it factor into his joining the administration? This is just wrong to try to profit off the pandemic with a book. Yes, he’s no longer with the Biden team but that doesn’t make it any less scummy.

But on top of that all, he’s now trying to hype the book by lying about President Donald Trump and actually disparaging the American people. More

14 Comments on Biden’s Former COVID Czar Declares We’ll Need To Sacrifice More When The Next Pandemic Hits

  1. I suggest we sacrifice one government “health care” bureaucrat per week via burning at the stake until the pandemic is over. It’s the only way to properly appease the gods.

  2. Four words, bullshit and fuck you! Never again will we be a bunch of damn sheeple bending over to the ungodly and unconstitutional authority of a rogue out of control socialist government. This just might mean war if they attempt to do it again.

  3. What’s with the WE crap. Leave us out of your personal gain and control crisis. You know what IS a crisis, all the businesses and people you put out of work. All the while big corporations and box stores are making bank, cuz they’re too big to shut down.

  4. @TheMule, @Ed4, and especially @ Different Tim — Yes! Icelandic Air has multiple flights daily from IAD (Washington Dulles) to KEF (Keflavík/Reykjavík). I’ll kick in a few bucks for the airfare pool. Then it’s a short hop down to the beautiful active volcano in SW Iceland. I figure those last 40-50 miles can be done by garbage truck, and we’d have to set up a good-sized catapult near the hot stuff if we don’t want any innocents to get singed.

  5. Andy Slavesh!t, wait your turn. The next crisis is an economic pandemic in September. Your book will be selling for $1.00 at COSCO and 30 pounds of rice will be $75.00.

    I hear your book includes a lot of dirt on the Clintons. Check it out, Hillary.

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